I've run about 20 or 30 gallons of STP through various saws and liked it. Plenty of tackifier which is great for the bar rails and chain links but best for the hands- less vibration. I think I got it online from Walmart in 1 G. jugs. Hit and miss with Walmart on B+C oil. I've been running "bottom of the tank" oil from a local oil jobber at about 5 bucks per gallon and if I like the batch that's available will buy 30 or 40 gallons of it. I frequently mix it 50/50 with B+C oil just to get some tackifier in it. A 55 G. drum of good B+C oil is over $500 these days and you have to go through the hassle of pouring it into daily jugs. Sinopec makes good B+C oil at a reasonable price but frequently must be purchased by the drum and I found the shippers would only deliver to a dock (which I don't have).