These are made for logs that come in 100" lengths that pretty are the standard for delivered unprocessed firewood from the logging companys up here. To get a log bigger than 15" is rare.
That processor is actually made not too far from me and my neighbor knows the guy making them. We have actually tested some prototypes for him. The same guy is actually the one that had the original skidsteer processor video a couple years ago that are now Hahn processors.
These are his own and I do not know what the differences there are if any.
Aside from the price there is another caveat. Not just any skidsteer can run these. You machine needs to at least meet these certain specifications.
Minimum 15 GPM flow rate required.
Minimum 2800 PSI required.
Case drain is required
So if you have the extra scratch, your wood pile that needs to be cut and split looks like this,
and your skidsteer will handle it, then go for it.
There are guys up here that have these and make $$ on the side processing.