First call your local utility locators to make sure there are no utility lines near or under the stump if it's close to where utility lines might be. It's a free service. If there are utility lines near it, I would go with a stump rot product and not burn it out. Lost of good ideas so far and all will work. Drill holes or plunge cut some slits in it, get some salt peter and fill hols, let sit for a month or two them burn it. The salt perter will even make the roots burn down underground. What type of wood is it? Some wood rots fast some don't.I had a box elder blow over next to a propane tank with a water line attached to the stump, so burning it wasn't an option. in less then a year I could push it over by hand.
A fire ring will keep heat on the stump and you can burn it out if it's not next to anything flammable.
A salt block will work over time. Stump rot products work well but take time.
This is exactly why I hang on to old chains so I can plunge cut slots deep into it and keep it wet and it should rot. If you keep it wet mold a fungus will eat it up pretty fast.
Leave it a few feet high and put a table top on it and use it as a table till it rots out.
Plunge cut the middle out with some plunge cuts in the side so air can get into the center and burn it.
Set a potted plant on it and use it as a pedestal for the potted plant.
Dig out as much dirt around it and burn it.
Was it a dead tree or green tree?
All these will work over time, and some better then others.
Get you a steel pipe or conduit and use your leaf blower and once you build a fire and get it hot enough the forced air will speed up the burning time. You will have to adjust the amount of air flow. Too much air and it will blow it out, so adjust the distance and air speed to keep it burning. Good air flow will make it burn hotter and burn faster. Kinda like a blast furnace.