Suggestions for the Sierra Club?

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The old growth Sequoia are protected and are not in any danger of being logged. They where protected long before Clinton was ever on the seen.
The true giants should be protected, They are rare, and irreplaceable. Some of them are over 40 feet in diameter. They where here a long time before we got here and they will be here for long time after we are gone.
What I suspect is happening is salvage logging of beetle and fire killed timber on the west slope of the Sierras (the only place old growth Sequoias live) and the knee jerk reaction is to say that it is endangering the Sequoias.
The last time I was in the parks they where in desperate need of danger tree removal. There where widow makers everywhere.

Well said.
The best thing to do with pre paid junk mail is make allot of copy's and fill them with metal filing and sand !! It dose wonders on automated openers :)
I'd like to send you David Suzuki to put in your envelope and send on, but he'd probably be considered too toxic to make it through your mail system.
This is on my buddies log truck... :laugh:


I do think I'll take their tiny little stick on calendar and put it on the handle of The Barbie Saw and take a picture. I ought to send photos of some of the empty buildings around here that used to have small businesses thriving. Like saw repair, cafes, and the mill. Not to worry, it'll be a ski town soon and there'll be lots of low paying seasonal jobs. :chainsaw:
He's just getting even with Canada for stealing his family's business and sticking him in a concentration camp.

Not too proud of that one! But we do learn from our mistakes. - Now we just taser people to death in our airports for "brandishing desk staplers in a threatening manner" and call it "training" .
This is what I suspect also. No where does it say the big ones will be cut. Only that they must be protected from logging. More slick advertising. Maybe the recession is affecting them too and since they lost the Mass. case, need more money.

There are some Sequoias growing around here, I can chip some bark off of one and mail it. The trees were planted in the 1930s. Two grew too large and were cut down. It was a case of CCC planted trees vs. CCC constructed buildings.

We have some down here also. One small grove was planted in the 1880s. It is claimed to be tje oldest in this range.
How big are the 70+ year old Sequioas in your area. I would think they would grow faster up there as they have more water, than we have here.
The biggest I have seen this far south are about 50" dbh. (I Haven't seen the 1880 ones).
They seem to be propagating around here some what. I have ran accross several small young ones in unexplained places.
I seem to be back on their mailing list. I got a cool window sticker that I will save for a "special" occasion. Now, since their mailing envelope is postage paid, anybody got anything they want me to send the Sierra Club? I usually cross out words in their mass mailing prewritten requests to senators, then tell them "It aint so." in a lengthy document. The theme this time is that the TIMBER COMPANIES MUST BE STOPPED. The Sierra club is hinting that the Giant Sequoias are about to be clearcut and show one of the monster sized ones to help drive that point. So, I'll hook up the printer and try to send them any good suggestions from out there and stuff that envelope till it is about to burst--and more postage due.

They sent a nifty stick on calendar too.

Send them a recipe for fried owl.
Send them a recipe for fried owl.

That's funny, I used to have a stack of old American Rifleman magazines. In 1 of them Elmer Keith was hunting eagles, he said they fry up better than chicken.
I picked up an issue of Logger's World at Madsens yesterday. I'll stuff as much of that in, along with wood chips and a note telling them how things are. Thankyou for your help. :greenchainsaw: