Hey, at least we have trees.
When I was in San Diego, all I saw was really huge grasses (Palm trees) scrub brush, and some trees where they were irrigated for the last 40 years.
That place is a desert.
Oh, You silly little boy!
Hey, at least we have trees.
When I was in San Diego, all I saw was really huge grasses (Palm trees) scrub brush, and some trees where they were irrigated for the last 40 years.
That place is a desert.
How did you know?
Yes, my last name is Little.
Now that "silly little boy" thing has got to go. You're not from San Fransisco are you?
I am not yet certified mainly because of money issues and I am usually on here instead of cramming lol. I do see the value of the learning and have a good grasp of physiology and tree biology, I still need to learn fertilization and disease diagnosis and treatment better, as well as; the latin names of our trees. I won't take the test until I feel I will pass it. I really don't know if it will help my business here, as most of the customers could care less about whether you know a lenticel from an epicormic shoot. It will be for me not them. In other words it will make me feel I have learned the other parts of tree work not just pruning and removing. I think arborist is a state of mind more than knowing all the answers to a test. I am sometimes asked a question by a customer and I have the material to look it up. I bought a grand worth of material to study and for reference for questions that may come up. I will take that test someday
ISA C.A. is a crock anymore. Anyone can sit down and read a couple little books and a study guide, go take it and pass. A certification should always be hands on. There are alot of school book arborist around here that NEVER leave the ground nor know how to. It's hilarious how they try to act like they are somebody that doesn't have a clue. The regulations should be if you can't climb you shouldn't be able to hold a certification.
This a somewhat silly argument. It's not as though the tree workers of this world can be divided into just two distinct groups. Any two groups you define will be composed of widely different sub-types. Why bother with making the distinction in the first part.
Granted, the school boys may not have as much experience, but they are working at it every day, they will learn the experience part faster than some old salt like Rope can pick up and learn the bookish side of things.
Experienced arborists seeking a certification will have a tougher time with the arcane concepts, the math that some of the procedures require, and memorizing all the trivia that they think isn't important.
I didn't hear anybody mention the fella's that are never going to learn either the experience or book side of arboriculture.
So who do you call when you have a problem that involves more than "just cut 'er down"? SEVERAL arborists! Get recommendations, and if they all come together on the same idea, you probably have got a reliable answer.
Even "super hacks" give good recommendations, sometimes.
I got a guy that has been in the biz- 4 years- jusy got cert- I have been in the biz 33 years. I am not crying or jealous, good for him!
Now the C.A. doesn't have the ring it used too, if guys like this have it. They should give it away.
I just think the CA program does not do what it is intended to. Oh, and they do not market it at all....
Don't get thin skinned on me yet rope. The "super hack" I was referring to was from the title of this thread. Hah!
On the other hand, I was definitely thinking of you when I referred to an "old salt". I think of this as a term of respect borrowed from the nautical past when an experienced sailor was called just that.
Wikipedia puts a different spin on the term. Rope, you may be irritated to find that I just called you a big storyteller! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_salt
etymology: there may also be a connection to the expression "worth his salt", which goes back to the days when Roman soldiers were paid in salt.
so untrue; huge push of CA in lots of ways. look at their website, press releases, PSA's, pubs, programs...
Website? How many websites are there? If people do not know what a CA is why would they look for the ISA?look at their website
Press releases are so weak, if the media does not know who you are they ignore you. I've not seen any PSA's in my market, or on cable. Well excpet for sponsoring a few pbs shows along with Annenberg, and a sluegh of other esoteric not-for-profits.press releases
Preaching to the choir, many of the pubs are useful for you and me to hand to clients and prospective clients.pubs, programs...
Oh, and they do not market it at all....