Super Split?

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ss waranty

i live in fairfield county. i just ordered one and they said the warranty is one year for residential and 6 mo. for commercial use. hope to receive the splitter by friday.
i live in fairfield county. i just ordered one and they said the warranty is one year for residential and 6 mo. for commercial use. hope to receive the splitter by friday.
So I guess this means you don't need to demo one! :D Congrats on the new purchase, I suspect you'll love it. I should warn you that the pusher will likely hang up here and there for a while until the machine breaks in. Just try to keep the beam clean (keep a 1" putty knive at the machine) and spray the beam down with WD40 every so often. Doing this will minimize the hang ups.
I don't have to bend over, move or do anything except reach for the next log and pull it into splitting position on the Super-Split work table.

I'll post pics when I get the digital camera fixed.

I'm all for a 'no lift' splitting operation and look forward to pictures of your setup!

EDIT: Oops! Just realized this is an old posting. Philobite: Did you ever post photos of your setup?

So I guess this means you don't need to demo one! :D Congrats on the new purchase, I suspect you'll love it. I should warn you that the pusher will likely hang up here and there for a while until the machine breaks in. Just try to keep the beam clean (keep a 1" putty knive at the machine) and spray the beam down with WD40 every so often. Doing this will minimize the hang ups.

I had the same problem. Also the rollers on the bottom of the beam weren't rolling...just sliding so I WD-40'd them and that solved the problem. More than the warranty I think the thing that speaks the most about the SS is that almost everyone who owns one loves them. I got mine in December and have put about 30 cords through it already. It may not be for everybody but I love it. I tried out a TW5-FC which is an impressive machine but for the size, type and way I split the wood I sell everything about the SS suits me. I'm tall so the working height is perfect and I'm able to pull it out of the garage where I keep it and move it myself to my work area...there's no way I could move the TW by hand. I'd have to hook it up to the truck every time.

Good luck with yours orbie.
ss logsplitter

does anyone know if the ss has a centrifical clutch?
I looked at a lot of splitters and finally decided to buy a split-fire. I got the 3265 with the optional 4 way wedge. I have used it about a year and I will try to be as unbiased as possible. #1 I am an old fart so lifting is not as easy as it use to be,the sf is built fairly low so it is easy to load with out a lift. The only problem is I get cramped from bending over all the time. So I built a small deck to run it up on which raises it about 8 inches,which for me at 6 foot is pretty ideal. This made the lift higher,so I built a table at the back and put the rounds up with my front loader on my tractor. I then place my loader at the other side and lay the split rounds in the bucket,when i fill this I take it to my wood pile. The 4 way will split rounds up to 15 inches fairly easy,but I have stalled it on larger stuff. So now I split all the 15 inch and bigger with the single wedge,and run it through the 4 way later. It is extremely fast,one person can not keep up with it,two people it is dangerous,because it is so fast,you may catch your buddy in it,so take your time. The point you place the log against is less then an inch wide. That is probably why it is so powerful,because it is not pushing against a large flat surface. This is a problem if you have a crooked cut,it tends to slide off to the side. I have learned to make sure a crooked end goes toward the blade. It has a Honda engine and is built very well,it is extremely easy on gas and starts very easily. I wish they would have put a jack on the tongue,it is fairly hard to load onto a ball or put the support up.( the best way to put the support up is to raise it all the way and let it rest on its back side) I am going to mount a jack on the front,and I am considering a jack on the back with duel legs for stability so I can raise or lower it to any height I want,eliminating my deck. All in all its a great splitter,I bought it from the factory, Matt was great,I saved by buying it direct. Like all splitters its got some bad points that I tried to point out,but overall I would buy it again.
does anyone know if the ss has a centrifical clutch?

Yes it does. I am not sure it really needs it. The bushing has seized on my after very long runs and essentially it is like having a fixed pulley on the motor. It doesn't start hard but the motor turns over for a while even after it has been turned off because of the flywheel inertia.
this spring I will have had my super split for 27 years. on moter no.2 I'M RUNNING A 5HP. honda engine now. about 10 cords to the fill up. I added a table to the front to catch the split pieces, saves that extra bend to pickup the other half. I used to do 200 cords a season to sell, and rent the machine out to neighbors to help pay it off. our record day with it was 10 tandem dump trucks loose filled in 9 hours. we were 10 guys taking turns a various positions of the operation, we had a backhoe set up to catch the split wood and dump in the trucks. I always hated the setup they provide to engage the machine, that little knob is really irritating on the fingers. I built a lever arm on mine, more leverage makes it easier to engage. it is a little annoying if you are working it in snowy cold conditions, ice tends to build up under the slider and makes it impossible to engage.
super split

Good to hear about your ss being 27 years old.What is the flywheel weight on your ss? Did you set a world record with the 10 truck loads in one day? I just ordered one last week and hope it comes this week.It is great reading other folks who write about their log splitting equipment.
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this spring I will have had my super split for 27 years. on moter no.2 I'M RUNNING A 5HP. honda engine now. about 10 cords to the fill up. I added a table to the front to catch the split pieces, saves that extra bend to pickup the other half. I used to do 200 cords a season to sell, and rent the machine out to neighbors to help pay it off. our record day with it was 10 tandem dump trucks loose filled in 9 hours. we were 10 guys taking turns a various positions of the operation, we had a backhoe set up to catch the split wood and dump in the trucks. I always hated the setup they provide to engage the machine, that little knob is really irritating on the fingers. I built a lever arm on mine, more leverage makes it easier to engage. it is a little annoying if you are working it in snowy cold conditions, ice tends to build up under the slider and makes it impossible to engage.

Thankfully the new models have the lever.
ss logsplitter

received my ss today. boy can that baby split.i have one problem the rack engaging lever does not lock during cycle, has anyone had this problem?
Mine doesn't lock either, but I believe this is by design for safety reasons. Either way, I would prefer mine stays this way, for just that reason.
ss engaging

Called factory was told to back off two turns on the nut on the lever. It now works great. Love this splitter.
So, do you like your super split ? I am seriously looking for a Gripo one this week. Same thing as the super split, in Québec. The only different thing that i can see is the lever for engage and the colors. Dangerous or not ?
Is there a difference between a Gripo and a SS ?
I own a Gripo and have been satisfied with its production levels but it seems I'm always playing with grease,cleaning, or tightening bolts.
For you US guys, if these are the very same animals, you can purchase a new one for 2500 CDN or about 2250 US. May be worth the drive.
My Super Split - J model


For anybody who cares, I just bought one of these SuperSplit log splitters 09-02-09!
I am from Ohio and to tell you my Super split would split through the most knotted wood......Oak, Ash, Hickory, Walnut....all knotted...cut through the knots like butter. Yeah the wood was some what dried but not all of it was completely dried. Some pieces I had to hit 2-4 times, but they were huge and it only to an extra 10 seconds. My hydraulic splitter would hang up on the small stuff. The production table is a godsend! I am 6'6" tall and without the table my back would have been killing me! I spent about $2805 for mine with shipping. There is some installation you will have to due but it is easy. I split about 5 cord in about 31/2 hours -4 hrs. I took breaks here and there because I had so much split that I had to start stacking it! It is well worth it if you cut alot of wood. I don't sell wood but I will now. Oh yeah, the subaru motor on that hardly takes any oil and hardly uses gas. It takes about 2 chord for the unit to break in. My splitter actually stalled one time at the beginning but it has not since! That was due to break in. I do not know what bad things I could say but the price. Yes it is steep but you will not have much maintanance on this unit. Its great, any questions you can email me @ [email protected]. Hope this blog helps! This is One Powerful Unit!!!!!! thanks! Sig
Welcome to the forum and unofficial SS owners club. Glad to hear your satisfied with your SS. I still don't understand how so many people remain so skeptical when everyone who owns one posts such positive reviews.
Renting???? In ohio

Where can you rent these splitters your talking about on here?In Ohio at? Any body close to Tiffin/Fremont,ohio that I could come and see these splitters in action? Thanks.:clap::clap:

Welcome to the forum and unofficial SS owners club. Glad to hear your satisfied with your SS. I still don't understand how so many people remain so skeptical when everyone who owns one posts such positive reviews.

Thanks! Because it is made in the New England states and nobody seems to know about them. I did not know about them until I stumbled upon them a month ago. I did my research, bought one and I am glad I did. One down fall is it did not come with a towing tongue on it for not that I need it but that would have been a nice feature. Other than that it is by far the best none. Maybe after a few years I will be able to return to this site and still give this unit a positive feed back. And for renting....I have seen nothing like this before in this this helps!:monkey:

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