Make sure that the shirt has no sleeves , more comfortable like that if you have to wear the tie .
Take care of your tools......and your tools will take care of you....LOL!!!
Good for them Jon ! Almost got your own baseball team ! :hmm3grin2orange:
Keep going ! :hmm3grin2orange:
Make sure that the shirt has no sleeves , more comfortable like that if you have to wear the tie .
I dressed up for my first wedin ! Not the next 2 ! :hmm3grin2orange:
Stihl cost me just as much to get out of the second one as it did the first ? :msp_razz:
That darn Jerry would have been done with this little job in 4 hrs. I will be lucky to be done in 2 weeks ! LOL
Nope. We stopped at six kids. In fact my wife was pregnant with our youngest, and she was in her last trimester when she said to me, "you need to get a vasectomy, or this baby isn't coming out until you do". I know she meant it, so I got the vasectomy, and my youngest boy was born almost exactly a month later..............LOL!!!
It's for the OL cousin
It's an adult only affair
I don't know them
Don't frankly care
I have to many other things that need done!!
Bet he is more of bow tie guy. :hmm3grin2orange:
I do 4-5 little rooms like that in a day including cutting around the toilet flange and a semicircular shower stall. Get $500. for doing it so no complaining from me.
Got that right ! Stihl got some of my very first tools from long ago !
Scotch bright don't really fall into that category ? :hmm3grin2orange:
Do you get free beer ? May be worth it ? :hmm3grin2orange:
What size tiles you puttin down?
How the hell do I cut around the Jon hole ?My saw only cuts straight !
I don't wear ties
And there has only been a few occasions when I have
Jeans and tshirts for me.........all day..........everyday
I wanted one of the cutoff tees that look like a dress shirt and tie
Ahhhh,..lad, that is where your diamond wheel on your minigrinder comes into use.
Ohhh..yeeeeesss it does...........if you ain't doing it with you fingernails you're using a's a tool....
Yep ......................... Red Neck ! :hmm3grin2orange: