Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Owwwwwooooo..........Pitbull overextended his alcohol consumption levels last would seem.......long hot supper.....many tall green cans.....followed by a few rest for the wicked...back to the "J" thing for a final finish up this AM.....hope I don't have to work in 64th or even 32nds.....having a hard time seeing 1/4" right now:msp_sad:.........Arrrrgh.....:redface:!!!!...............LOL!!.........silly me:buttkick:.......

Hang over ? LOL Good luck ! Better stay off the roof !
Owwwwwooooo..........Pitbull overextended his alcohol consumption levels last would seem.......long hot supper.....many tall green cans.....followed by a few rest for the wicked...back to the "J" thing for a final finish up this AM.....hope I don't have to work in 64th or even 32nds.....having a hard time seeing 1/4" right now:msp_sad:.........Arrrrgh.....:redface:!!!!...............LOL!!.........silly me:buttkick:.......

Seems my 3rd guess was the one that got the Pit Bull ! :cheers:
Owwwwwh.......this is NOT what I WAAAANTED........LOL!! Off to the jobsite.....seeing double 1/4" is as good as a 1/2 "........seems like it was better when I wuz poor and couldn't afford to drink to much.......all things being relative that is..........hic............Have a good one guys...'nuther hot one here today...........90s.....I'll be cookin' where the hell is muh truck????.....
Owwwwwh.......this is NOT what I WAAAANTED........LOL!! Off to the jobsite.....seeing double 1/4" is as good as a 1/2 "........seems like it was better when I wuz poor and couldn't afford to drink to much.......all things being relative that is..........hic............Have a good one guys...'nuther hot one here today...........90s.....I'll be cookin' where the hell is muh truck????.....

Good luck !

I member a few days I went to work in the clothes I went out in the night before ! :dizzy: Loooooonnnnnngggggg day ! :dizzy:
Think I'm finally caught up after one hell of a week. Just got done mowing. Folks will be here around lunch. Gotta think of something they'll want to do.
Boy......pretty darn quiet in here today........home for lunch.......cleaned out the jobsite this morning.....punch list has been completed.....job over.......gonna take a couple weeks off and finish my boat adventure, the Sweedish brick and the paying project is a houseboat to finish out....the platform is 30' X 60' and the living structure is made of two 40' shipping containers with 16' between....will be all one structure when will be pretty darn cool and well is for a friends rather famous local boat yard that is opening another new yard in Belfast that can handle 125' and up vessels....not work boats.....this houseboat will be a floating "Hotel" for Clients/Owners/Captains to stay in while their boat is hauled needless to say it will be nice......a little off beat project wise but will be fun to do......and profitable too!!.....

damned ethanol !!

my year old pressure washer died !! .:cry:

pulled the carb,,what a mess..
when i put it away last fall i drained tank and run it dry.
ran fine until yestday.
run it dry twice this summer.
all green inside float bowl :(

cleaned it ran good for 5 minits.
gotta take carb off AGAIN,,this time in the USC.. !!

damned ethanol !!

my year old pressure washer died !! .:cry:

pulled the carb,,what a mess..
when i put it away last fall i drained tank and run it dry.
ran fine until yestday.
run it dry twice this summer.
all green inside float bowl :(

cleaned it ran good for 5 minits.
gotta take carb off AGAIN,,this time in the USC.. !!

That's the same thing with the Kazawaki carbs...ran both carbs dry when it was put up.....all green inside...both float valves stuck badly open....all headed for the USC too......
Hey John , you bein the "Master" of the box lots from the Baize , keep your eyes open for some firefighting pumps , mainly the Wajax Mark 3 .
185cc , 10 hp 2 stroke Rotax motors :msp_biggrin:

VW pumps are good also.

What head and GPM are you looking for.

The lil 1200 was light enough for 2 men to swing around easily.