Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Does anyone have a husky 242xp? It looks like an amaizing little saw. It seems like it would do 99% of my cutting. I am wanting to hear from someone who has ran one.
My dream saw team: 242xp, 268xp, 288, 2100cd
Yes, they are all husky. I feel its time to admit that I would place that generation of huskys as my all time favourite saw series.
I think Ron, farrell, and jimmy have converted me to a husqvarna man.

Best part? My dad has offered to buy me a nice, clean husky 2100 for my graduation gife. Two years until I get my all time favourite saw. I hope to find atleast one other husky on my list my then.
It took me awhile to catch fellers cover a lot of ground.

I'm going to bed soon......I'm tired.

Wrap the tree up with old shirts.....tie it tight and keep em from drying out for a good while John.
What should I bind it with ? Duct tape ! LOL

when grafting in the orchards we figured the joint needed to be kept air tight for at least 6 months so we used liberal amounts of bee`s wax over the wound and wrapped several layers of cotton cloth slathered well with bee`s wax around the joint, bind that whole area with cotton cord to keep it tight. On top of that a set of splints if it was a trunk graft like yours will be to keep it aligned. It worked in about 90% of the grafts we did.
My ex was 6'2". I ain't afeered of tall people even though I'm only 6'.

Last day of the month. Big push.

Have to hit the PO at lunch.

Sent on the fly.
Engineer from the traffic circle came by the shop yesterday to "inspect" my "waste site"............they gonna bring in a big loader and vibe roller...grade it all off and hydroseed the edges...BUT he said they gonna wait a bit as they may need to bring in some more wheeler loads of "waste".....the more the merrier!!!

Back to the boat shop for me today......'bout the only thing saw like I did yesterday was give a guy a 670 chain adjuster setup.......