I got stung by three of them two weekends ago out on the island, I got even wit them using flame.
Alright gentlemen
I am unsure of the enemies exact postion
Intel suggests they are near the wood pile along the creek bed hiding in the tall grass
I need strategies and a plan of attack
I need options people
They are still a hive type insect.
Come on. I bet John a dollar you'd try it.
It does work. You need a background you can see them.
Ya can't let them smell your fear...
UNC......U is a patient man.......and very observant...........
WWII ex army flame thrower along with 15 gals of kerosene, light the pilot and let er rip in all directions. This really works, guaranteed to find the nest.
Now that's good for yellow jackets......but damn poor for honey bees..........y' know.....if'n ya be wanting th' honey......I meen!!!!
I can see them just fine against the green background
Can't tell where they are flying to
WWII ex army flame thrower along with 15 gals of kerosene, light the pilot and let er rip in all directions. This really works, guaranteed to find the nest.
I had the brush burning in their vicinity but put it out before I had to call the fire dept
Thought he was a huntin yellow jackets, has worked for me, should work for him.
Kill a couple of officers. Then see where reinforcements come from.
I had the brush burning in their vicinity but put it out before I had to call the fire dept
LOL.....never had to hunt for yellow jackets..........they usually find U.....LOL!!!!
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Getting some siding on. Next project: calf manger.