33 cm eh? now that`s quite a blade!
Lee down there in Falmouth has over 300!! Can't count em all! Buildings full!!! Robin saw them with me! Has a Mac and Dolmar collection that is out of this world!!!
Where in NC?They just shipped your adjuster bolt 14 minutes ago, coming from North Carolina be there someday
Cherry oleCherry oleWhere in NC?
CherryvilleWhere in NC?
I like apple better, no pits
That's what it says on the can "pitted cherries" but I'm a non believer. Cream cheese cherry pies are really good, I'll take a chanceYa pitts yer cherries before ya put em in pie!!...LOL ....Apple pie, me to!!
Never had raisin pie, but bet it's good cause I love raisins.And RAISIN pie
It's a snow sicle sawCreamsicle anyone ?
It's a snow sicle saw