Hey Robin would you like me to haul that pile of iron off for ya?
By the time Robin gets to hauling it off the Iron Pirates will have swooped in and cleaned it all up.....LOL
Hey Robin would you like me to haul that pile of iron off for ya?
Pilot hole!!I'd forgotten how much fun it is to drive nails into 100 year old Chestnut beams.
Hey all!!!
Pilot hole!!
By the time Robin gets to hauling it off the Iron Pirates will have swooped in and cleaned it all up.....LOL
Little nails in real hard wood hardly drive easily...Thanks Jerry.
It ain't bad.
The little nails in electrical staples.
I'm wiring an old barn.
All out of position in the near dark. Lol
Jerry..........you know me to well.............
Little nails in real hard wood hardly drive easily...
I put vaseline in the ones out in unheated storage sheds, prevents the aluminum from corroding and sticking to the brass socket threads. Never tried ,Never Seize, should work as long as it just stays on the threads.
You got some too? I was using it on some exhaust studs on an old tractor and someone saw it in some pictures...man they got l worked up.Nuclear Grade nevah seize.......I got some.....wanna borrow it??? Be able to unscrew it after the big one......
You got some too? I was using it on some exhaust studs on an old tractor and someone saw it in some pictures...man they got l worked up.
How about wax from a toilet ring?
I got them hanging around to lube long construction screws.
Maybe ??
Don`t know what we would do without it around the salt water ecpecially steel bolts in aluminum components, they just don`t get along well. I wait til my outboards are just past warranty and pull all the bolts to coat the threads with Never Seize. I can take every bolt back out from engines 20 years old or older without breaking one off, I did every accessible bolt on a 1979 Mercury I bought new, no problem removing them til this day.
I'm a firm believer in the "the sneeze", I use it religiously. Electric connections get the dielectric grease.
I'm a firm believer in the "the sneeze", I use it religiously. Electric connections get the dielectric grease.
Definitely....I do the same thing...except anything I get , warranty is not an issue.....I don't buy used saltwater outboards...always go upstate for fresh water units.....then do the same thing as you. Last saltwater outboard I got was a 55 hoss Johnson.....I snapped off every 3/8" SS bolt that held the lower unit on having to replace the water pump.....fortunately they all snapped up near the head so once it was separated was able to get on them with vicegrips, weasel pizz and a little heat from the inside and got them all out...on about half of them the threads came too but the holes were deep enough to retap with a bottoming tap and use longer SS bolts....slathered with neverseize....