Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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I've heard they are better than bar tires when chained up though. I run 4 link chains on turfs on the garden tractor. Pushes well. Let me know how they do once chained and snagged up proper.

Chains in the front sure helped like I figured it would , best 25$ I've spent on stuff other than on Cheetos , beer or my internet bill LOL
I just got to figure out some simple chain setup for the rear and I'll be all set .
Adam , now you know why I am not getting baited by any of that schitt , without knowing the whole thing and just getting shown snippets of something it's easy to read something that isn't , I'm happy in knowing who I'd invite for and by a beer or have sit at a dinner table with me , we're all different and may not agree on the same things but I know who the stand up guys are and hope to be able to share beers and a meal , if not I'll always share my respect over these great distances , the ones that I'd not be hoping to share a meal or beer with I will be as cordial as I can be and will still share a beer or meal if the opportunity presents itself because I may be wrong , I've been wrong plenty .

If the verbal diarrhoea continues I'll ignore unless the speaker has something to say that is a contribution , other than that it's just like a bad book , you close it and don't read anymore so the noise just fades to nothingness .

That's my 2 cents on the whole schittshow and this is all I'll say about it on this forum like I've also stated on the Saw a bunch of Hogs site , this is the last post I'll make about the phuckin childish bullschitt and personal vendettas that wont affect the quality of my life and I'll still get a paycheck on Friday regardless of what someone posts about a he said she said .
I know what I know and that's all I need to know .
I do hope that those that feel they know a bit of what I'm made of know what I think about this schitt and will someday make it up for bacon and eggs , crispy or soft bacon , fried or over easy eggs , rare or well done steak and maybe even some spam and hotdogs .

Maybe a master baiter can goad me into a trap ,,,,, polly not .

First depends and now master baiting,,dunno Dan but but I caint help but feel,,,,ya know,,,kinda like,,,,,singled out ?? LOL !!!!

BTW !!! don't affect MY paycheck either !!!

PS: gonna tell your boss you spend time on interweb on co. hours !!
Wonder how well one of them ultrasonic dog whistles work ? Neighbor up here has a guard dog , or says it is ? The SOB never stops barking , its 3 houses away from here , but sounds like its in the yard here . They never even try to shut it up , pose cause it pose to be a guard dog ? It really get annoying hearing it all the time .
I have one of them horns that screws onto a can of sumpin , loud SOB ! Shut the mutt up for a while one day , every time it started I let it have a blast . LOL Don't want neighbors annoyed at me so I put that away . Plus they couldn't see who was doing it . LOL Now I had the idea of a dog whistle , no body will hear it but the dogs . Least I think it only works that way , to high pitch fer humans . Plus it was only 5 bucks . LOL
Wonder how well one of them ultrasonic dog whistles work ? Neighbor up here has a guard dog , or says it is ? The SOB never stops barking , its 3 houses away from here , but sounds like its in the yard here . They never even try to shut it up , pose cause it pose to be a guard dog ? It really get annoying hearing it all the time .
I have one of them horns that screws onto a can of sumpin , loud SOB ! Shut the mutt up for a while one day , every time it started I let it have a blast . LOL Don't want neighbors annoyed at me so I put that away . Plus they couldn't see who was doing it . LOL Now I had the idea of a dog whistle , no body will hear it but the dogs . Least I think it only works that way , to high pitch fer humans . Plus it was only 5 bucks . LOL
Ghost chili pepper self defense rounds for a paintball gun?
John , only use one blast of the horn , nobody can triangulate the horn on one blast unless they are looking at you .
Its ok , all they could tell is the general direction , I was well hid . LOL Hope this whistle works ? LOL\

Time , all wore out from beaching . Tomorrow is a new day !
Don't know what you're talking about Adam , you sure you talking to me ?
Kotten Kandy time washed down with some JD , go for a couple hours of esleep :)

Two summers ago took the paintball to the trip.......sucked bad!