It's the Lectins in it! It aglutinates in the blood of those whose blood type it's poisonous in! " Eat For Your Blood Type," by Dr. Peter D' Adamo. Easy to Google!
I did Bobby..
I googled
Sorry but I couldn't find anything positive about his unfounded theories based on any scientific fact.
BUT,,if it works for you there is NO argument there !!!'
you may have hit upon what is best for YOU !!!
wish I could find the fountain of youth

I tried searching " aglutinates " and found nothing,,if you could post a link I would as always be interested in anything to help with health.
" There is no reasonable scientific basis for the claim that blood type should determine one's diet, though Peter claims to have collected "over 1,000 scientific articles on blood types and their correlations to disease, biochemistry, nutrition, and anthropology."
*Even so, he's never done a controlled study on blood type diets. Yet, he claims that blood type determines body chemistry to such an extent that those with type A blood should go vegetarian and meditate, those with type O should eliminate grains and do aerobics. He suggests similar unscientific diets for types B and AB. "
" Peter D'Adamo's reasoning is based on speculative inferences from such "facts" as that type O is the oldest blood type. It isn't. A is the oldest blood type. Studies in humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos show that alleles coding for blood type A are the most ancient version of the ABO blood group. This trait was shared prior to the evolutionary split between chimpanzees and hominids five to six million years ago. B blood type split from A about 3.5 million years ago and O blood type split from A about 2.5 million years ago. From this error regarding the age of type O, D'Adamo reasons that people with type O blood should eat the kind of diet the earliest humans ate: one rich in fat and protein. "
Now if I could get away from the chips and dip and beer and inhaling woodsmoke I know I would be better off !!