Very neat benches !! Could sure use something like that here round the fire pit . But I aint in no shape to even try that ! LOL
Generally they get stuff here before the delivery date......just not this time..LOL.....not a biggie.....I'm not what one would call "saw poor".....USPS just keeps going down hill , wish them others were closer fer me to use !
Running about today and picked up a new saw. This one for work, Milwaukee 12" compound slider for an upcoming trim job. I liked the De Walt gravity rise rolling saw stand better than the non rolling Milwaukee one so the Red saw ended up sitting on a yellow stand.
Sounds like good combination Jerry...good luck with it. I've always found on the 12" compound saws the thin kerf blades had a lot of flex in the body causing deflection while in the cut. I have two 10" Hitachi double compound sliders which work good but even the 1o" thin kerf blades were less than when it really counts I've gone to a Forest Chopmaster full body blade specifically designed for compound saws......this does an excellent $135 'Merican for a 10" saw blade it should!!!
If you run into any problems with deflection they make a 12" version with either a 1" or 5/8" arbor hole for 6-7 $ more......80 tooth...o.115" kerf....Amana makes a really good one too.......though it's near $200 'Merican.........sounds like a lot but a stellar blade can make the saw...
That's true John.....good tools are the only way to go when working with your hands.....
Jerry......what size arbor does the Milwaukee have......FS Tool makes real good blades a stack of 7 with the Wadkin........ FS XL4000.... top of the line blades.....they make a series of mitersaw blades but with only 1" bore it seems......the bottom one is an XL4000....if their mitersaw blades are anything like the 14" Panel saw blades you won't be disappointed!!!
You guys can't afford not to have the best possible tools ! They make you look better , and make you more money ! Your work is right out in front of every ones face , has to be perfect !
I get mad every time I do anything to that garage , never seen such chitty work ! Nothing even close to square !! Them guys that built it should be fired and never allowed to build a dam thing again !! Sure wish I had been round here when they was building it ! I wouldn't pay them a dime till they did it right !
I havn`t pulled the blade off yet but I believe all the 12" blades are 1" arbor. I used the saw today for the first time after setting it up to cut square in both directions, it was off a few thou on the table but the vertical was near on, dialed it in and then started cutting MDF crown, the blade that came with it is fine for cutting that soft MDF but likely will need a stiffer blade for hardwood. I won`t be using this saw for stairbuilding as the 10 Makita LS10-13 is all I need for that work, been using it for so long its like a nicely worn in pair of workboots, just feels right.. Got a few old Freud blades from back in the 70-80`s with the big carbide teeth, stiff thick steel body, no deflection in the cut there. Those set me back over $150. each way back then, only been sharpened once each but never use them on MDF , mostly hardwood stair tread and birch plywood risers n skirt boards. I counted 47 different 10" carbide blades stacked up that needs to be resharpened, usually just buy another rather than get them resharpened, all places around here that supposedly regrind them do a poor job.
We have several recycling outfits that stock some blades at the building supply outlets, I pick up one or two for each job and surprisingly they cut pretty good, cost about $40 for each one with a trade in of one of their dulled blades. First time costs about $85, take and use it until dulled then turn it in and pay about half price of original to get a new sharp one. I like the Razor Tooth ones quite well.
I like that concept....wish someone around here did that for more run of the mill blades. The last guy to do sharpening was gung-ho....would come to the shop every Wed to pickup/drop off blades.....another good concept.....first I gave him a stack of skilsaw blades to see what he could do.....the next Wed he showed up with them. They cut OK...better than before. So I gave him a stack of 8 1/4 and semi disposable 10" job saw blades.....again, he showed up the following Wed and again they were passable but they weren't great blades to start with so I gave him an old Freud glue line rip blade that was way passed due to see what he could do with a good saw plate designed for a specific purpose.....when new (if your saw was tuned good enough) it would rip a perfect glue good or better than came back the following Wed. but cut like a general purpose contractors blade......he had paid no attention to the original hook and pitch angles.....I didn't say anything because I now knew that he didn't know.....pointless to scold a slow child.....but I didn't have anymore blade to sharpen....boy that pizzed him off...he went over to the shelves where I keep all my blades and started saying that there were more dull blades there that he could do.....I said no.....I'm good for now.....thought he was going to take the blade right off the table saw he was so adamant....pitched quite a tantrum....said I was holding out on him...LOL.....I said "I'll call you when I've got stuff you can sharpen"....He was a junky that lost his "connection"...he stormed out of the shop, jumped in his truck and promptly backed out over the bank at the shop and got was winter....Mikey and I had been working in the shop and weren't rigged up for outdoors..and we were laffing at the sound of him smoking the tires right off his old half ton two wheel drive.....he was at it quite awhile...we finally put on our straight faces and went out.....he quit spinning and rolled his window down and Mikey says with a dead pan face " really shouldn't backed in there" Oh man that was the last straw...he rolled the window up and layed into that poor old tuck anew.....really putting the miles on the rear wheels......couldn't hear what he was hollering in the cab but his mouth was going...'bout the same speed as the rear wheels........haven't seen him humor...him.
Gung ho eh, yep met far too many of them over anxious over the top types. Going to take over the whole world them. Most gone on to other stuffs now but one still left I know of, lives not far from Dan actually. Man o man does that guy do a lot of work, almost as much re work of his mistakes as he works like the Tasmanian Devil but goes in reverse almost as much as ahead. His work looks it also, very poor craftsmanship and no forethought put into anything he does. Just bang er together and modify/fix it later. His best trait is he can BS and promote himself so well, gets jobs galore, but seldom gets a repeat job. I see his work often, too often with irate customers trying to get a effed up mess fixed to look presentable or to be even useful.....LOL
Really gets me mad when I gotta fix anything I did already ! LOL Try my best , but every now and then I get pinched . Seems to be stuff I am stihl kinda new at . LOL Sure makes me think twice as hard , whole time cursing myself . LOL Just 3 times as mad at fixing others crap ! Where I worked I got to do it every damn day ! Talk bout getting old in a hurry ! Took me a few weeks to go raise hell with the boss . He got an ear full ! But it fixed the problem finally .Yep nothing I hate worse than fixing someone else's mess.......always time to do it twice but never time to do it right once!!!!!