Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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SIGH......Quarter to 7......sthil barely light's a slippery slope from here on......the quiet time is coming.....

Built a new road into muh woodlot at the shop yesterday with some free gummint dirt.....this really gonna cut muh tractor travel time down a lot!!! Gotta start processing muh "Wilted Wood" this week......time ta "Fit & Split"!!! Beautiful in the woods yesterday....woodlot is all maple and ash...maybe a half dozen small pfirr or spruce trees per acre....colors were just unbelievable....oranges, golds, purples, reds and stihl a few greens here and just bare standing sticks in a couple more weeks...
No problem here I was looking vor some parts gor an old saw of mine a husky ps 50 so I landed here im actually from Holland but houses here are cheaper