Sure looks nice Robin ! Should be good fer nother hundered years .
Thanks John.......this in all in preparation to reshingle the south and west sides and put in new windows in those sides like I've already done on the east and north sides....then when I get the ol' Miserable Device out there we can go out in the winter.......take the mail boat and drive down to the camp as long as the snow is a foot or less.....they don't plow that side of the nice chains for the Jeep!!!Sure looks nice Robin ! Should be good fer nother hundered years .
The bride cleaned out the garden more fresh veggies after these are gone....which won't take long!!
Pretty good run...don't generally do much gardening around here on the fourth of Dec.!!!!!
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I didn't even think the other day... pulled up the drive in 6th, slid into 7th, then into 8th with the little one on my knee. As we puttered around the neighborhood I realized what I had done with out ticking a gear. Like you Robin.... been running that little machine a LONG time... 26-28 years. Just like riding a bike... it comes back to you real quick.I know that lil Bolenz is the same way.....when making a road to where I want to be never cut anything bigger than my thumb.....only do that because I don't want keep getting whacked by them every trip. Go around practically anything......can turn 180 degrees in it's length using separate wheel brakes and the front wheel drive. I would like a bigger tractor but then would have to learn what that one would need to get this one down pat......after 22 years of using it.
I have just as many if not more Stihl screws missing from saws as the Huskys. I keep plenty in stock of all sizes...But unlike a Huskopoolawnavarna you don't have to spend 20 minutes tightening up all the screws after a half hours worth of use .
Mighty Mouse Logging LLC
Jerry I currently own no Stihls of my own. I do know I see lots of missing screws when they come in. Bought a bunch from Dave a while back and just look up what goes where and put them back together. I also have M4,M5,M6 helicoils to fix the ones that have been goobered with a #10 machine screw etc.Jimmy, if you are loosing screws from a Stihl then you are not putting them in tight enough, talking about the under head serrated Torx drive screws though. Never ever lost one from all the Stihls I run and that`s a considerable amount of hard run time involved since 1990. On the other hand I couldn`t count all the screws and muffler nuts etc lost off Hooskies in very few hours of actual cutting time, not running them in the garage or cutting a couple cookies but real woods time.