The big guy, just laying back taking it easy,
No such thing as a fair fight...Oh, and he will bite also if things get real heated and he figures things are not going well for him....LOL
Looks like you bout got it done .
That PBR looks outta place ? LOL
Today I'll be finishing up in the engine compartment on the miserable device......had to order the top radiator hose....old one was really soft/squishy......had to replace the power steering return line yesterday...wasn't leaking but was badly dried out and cracked.......much easier to replace this kind of stuff here with the NAPA store a haff mile away......rather than a 10 mile ocean trip each way. The NAPA store in Stonington is right at the head of the fisherman's dock so at least that's handy.....once you get there......they will also send parts down on the mailboat if the call is made at the right time.
After the rest of mechanicals installed then time to sort out the 'lectrics......gonna end up with a huge pile of torn out
/cut off and capped wires/plugs.....only need 7 wires to operate about a hundred....may get onto the exhaust system today......hope so......once that is built I can try a startup......Comp cams directs me to break the cam/lifters in as per their start up immediately run her up to 1500-2000 rpm and run at that rpm steadily for 30 minutes.....shut off...dump oil and filter....refill with fresh oil/new filter and good to go....this part of the project is nearing the end......I hope.....
You could do away with the signal lights,brake lights and even the headlights to save wire n lectricity, save,save save.....LOL
My Uncle Morton had one of those...cast iron str 6! Remember the windshield wiper in the back window as a kid!Nope....yer both's definitely a RAMBLER......with a hint of NASH......
LOL......I'm all good with lights, gauges wipers etc.....but man, I sure can do away with all this underhood extra junk wiring.....that's 'spose make it run better....NOT!!!!!
My Uncle Morton had one of those...cast iron str 6! Remember the windshield wiper in the back window as a kid!