Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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That Tommy is a ovah the top , real wizz an stuffs. If he ever comes up this way I would chuck the coin to go see him, real entertainment right there. Pretty sad when a guy can`t carry a pocket knife, they bout chit when they see my 5.75 "folder.
Yah Whimpy Liberals got their FEAR AGENDA into our lives Big Time! I don't pay any attention to it! Lived out in the Hills! You can take the boy outta the Hills, but yah can't take the Hills outta the boy! lol
Good Morning! Lt rain here for awhile I guess. 39 NW.....Just waiting on better weather! Go up the barn I suppose and try and be like you guys with T Landrums 44/ OE 346......That's a Joke!!! I'm so far away from your talent it's like East from West! Great Challenge though....and something to live for and stay motivated about. No more challenge in Tennis...
Take care you guys! Aloha.....
Best to stay out of the woods for a while, takes too much sawdust n leaves to make a track no so muddy. When we used to run the mill the sawdust and slabs went for woods roads.
Out in Ohio when I lived out Chestnut Level in Morristown,Oh when the mud came you stayed put. Worse than a blizzard! 2-3ft Molasses! Took me awhile to get used to it growing up with this sandy soil here! Tore up a few vehicles before I surrendered! lol
Been around the stuck position a few times myself, no me driving but still there and required to help get unstuck. Usually that last load just near dark early spring when the frost was drawing out, hit a real soft spot and down ya go. The more ya struggle the worse it gets, water n mud up over the floor boards, several hours of jacking, winching and spinning gets one soaked and covered with muck, yep real fun that.
One of the worst stuck jobs I got parachuted in on was the time when I was working with a company that didn`t know feck all about daily operations. Give a tractor loader backhoe combo to a kid hardly out of Diesel engine still running but the cooling fan was kicking up a gusher....LOL high school. Sent him to dig out a drainage ditch that was full of rocks, trees n debris, early spring still big pans of ice in the water, temps just above freezing mid day. Kid reaches out with the hoe, hooks over a rock that weighs bout as much as the rig, gives er and pulls the rig into the stream, bout a meter of water, foot or more of soft muck, tractor in water up to the headlights. Get a mergency call, go help kid get tractor unstuck, only one hr away on good day but at rush hour traffic getting across the McKay bridge takes that long. Finally get to the site and survey the situation, well not good! The diesel was still running but the cooling fan was kicking out a gusher, tractor wrapped around that big rock tight as a winch cable, actually leaning in against it, water about 6" up over the floor boards, this gonna be a good one....LOL

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