Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Daylight......let the gathering begin!!! Gotta pick up a couple hundred BDFT of boarding boards and a couple dozen 2 X 6 X 8s to transport out to camp......first bits for the small camp renovation. High surf advisory in effect today due to Humberto passing way offshore I 'spect. Same advisory we had for Dorian....hardly saw a ripple.....might be different this time...nevah know with the ocean. If I can't land the materials on the beach they can sit aboard until it calms itself......not planning on starting the project yet just procuring what's needed a head of time.

I see wee have a Hurrycaine Jerry in our future too!!!
Hopeful that all the big blows will be forced well to the East of us now that the air temps are falling, water temps take a bit longer to drop so still possible for a hit here. Lucky me to be on a lake, not the ocean for me any more. Sort of cut ties with it slowly over the years. The island we held the Steeroast on has lost 40 - 45' of its shoreline facing the open ocean, washing away every storm dumping dozens of tall spruce trees into the surf each storm but the sand has nearly filled in the harbor mouth, built up 13 - 15 ' deep and stretching for a half mile further out toward the open ocean. I didn`t get pics the last trip out there this summer as it was fog bound and only had 20' visibility, next trip out should be cleared and will get some pics, only a channel there now, whole bay has filled in.
Yep thems "campy" LOL........that's what happens when people lose interest....reverts to dirt pretty quick. The original part of my camp I've dated to at least's what's my bedroom now. The other two rooms were added seasonally.....the "living room" in 1948 and the and the kitchen in 50. There is one surviving pic of the original part likely taken in '07 or so.....old grainy pic.....never see the shed unless you knew where to look as the pic was of the whole harbor with the ancestral sloop boats on their moorings taking center stage.
My uncles camp that I went to whenever I could was built in 1912 I think. Second oldest camp on the Fulton Chain of Lakes in the Adirondacks.
Clear Cedar siding. We repaired it one time and he got proper replacement. Without 19 coats of paint.
“Looks like diamonds on a Bronx wh0re”
He got it about 46-47.......favorite place on earth to me.
He went every weekend and 3 weeks in the fall.
He just sold it.....9 years ago he was paying on $330,000 assessed I couldn’t afford it.
He prolly paid $2-3,000when he bought it.
Still had the wood/electric stove he bought it with.
Folks that work in Old Forge can’t afford to live there any more.
An era has passed.
Pretty ruff on the shore when we got out to the island but we timed it prefect and was able to row everything we brought ashore except the building materials on Fri. Things calmed down by Sat. and was able to get the rest on the beach.......a bit tricky bringing in 12 foot material in an 8 foot skiff so the wave action must be minimal.....

Realized on Sun, that this was the last day of summah......75 degrees 'Merican and clean/ calm so even though we planned on returning Sun afternoon we decided to stay and return early in the morning on the first day of fall......but when we awoke it was blowing holy hell SW....hmmmmm......just like fall...hmmmmm. It blew itself out be afternoon and we were able to get away around 4PM...

On the equinox the sun doesn't quite set within the mouth of the will by the next time we head out weekend after next.

Back when there was logging going on and booms of logs being brought down our lake there was many stray floaters drifting around the lake. Made nighttime travel a bit hazardous!

Oh yeah......when I was a boy and the river runs on the Penobscot and pulp operations on the coastal islands were in full swing the driftwood on most of the beaches out there were feet deep in 4 foot stuff and logs and pushed quite away back up into the woods where the storms deposited them. Was an awesome time for beach combing as a youngster!!! Rather rare to see this these days....the beaches are pretty much bare except for lost fishing gear.
Back when there was logging going on and booms of logs being brought down our lake there was many stray floaters drifting around the lake. Made nighttime travel a bit hazardous!

LOL but back then you probably were putting along at a ripping 5-6 knts........not 25-30 MPH you can do these days!!
LOL but back then you probably were putting along at a ripping 5-6 knts........not 25-30 MPH you can do these days!!

True that but still a scary thing to bump a saw log at full tilt in the dark, never did but came close a time or two on a moon lit night, heavens knows how many we passed in the fog or dark of night.
True that but still a scary thing to bump a saw log at full tilt in the dark, never did but came close a time or two on a moon lit night, heavens knows how many we passed in the fog or dark of night.
Slocan Lake in BC still has logging.
The train that went on the barge down the middle of the lake is gone.
But seeing the top corner of a log when in the canoe was a “Right Now” moment.
As you hitting a rock.

And at night........moonlight nights only.
No more floating logs here now but was common back during the 60`s, last river drive here was around 1965, log booms and rafts are a thing of the past.

Last one herewas in '76 on the Kennebec. I 'membah ....musta been ''71 or '72 I was hitchhiking up to my grandfathers camp on Hancock pond in North New Portland (In western Maine, no where near Portland Me.) Was walking along a beautiful stretch on the Kennebec just outside Skowhegan......this has always been one of my most favorite stretches of road......completely over hung with hardwoods, the road (RT 2) following exactly the bends of the river....they had a jamb just where the river rejoined itself from being split to service the mills in town......I was walking along...coastal boy...nevah seen river drive up close.......might have been enjoying combustables at the time too......all of a sudden KAFEKKIN' BOOOOM......holy chit 'bout soiled muh pants.....they used a LOT of stick 'splosives!!! There as four foot wood up in the air seemed like a hunnert feet........but just after the whole clot of wood picked up speed down stream.....needless to say I'd already picked up speed in the upstream direction!!

You see the iron boat in the 1978 My father and I finished out a 34' foot glass hull for a fella to go on the scallop rodeo........we installed a Detroit 453 that we removed from one of those boats....had 70 hrs on the motor......guy bought it at auction for $500.....had a new gear on it as well....a real score.....the $$$ I made from that job bought me my '59 PanHead FLH......which I stihl own..41 yrs later......I'm verrrah fortunate that scooter can't talk.......lot of miles on both of us now......most hard....

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