Yup , that 49sp is just as good as Uncle Tom's Willi-Waller !
Believe it when I see it!!!!!just droppin by to say hey... and to see how behind I am on everything :msp_unsure:
Hey Jerry.
Robby getting back into it.
Ya but we won't hear about that , all we'll hear about are the extols of a saw from a bygone era made by a manufacturer that has faded away into the annals of history.
And how dismal the weather is...
Dismal day here and Robin had some dismal weather to deal with on the Isle of Man .
We're polly gonna hear how that 49sp got him some Bruins tickets and a win .
HEY!!!!!!Hey Unc. You remember that, incident?
We don’t talk about the Incident........
What happens on The Fight Thread.......NEVER HAPPENED!!!!
And there was also The Great Unpleasantness........
Exactly.....After the great incident.
LolAs long as we remember it we don`t need to talk about it.
Have a good day Ol Buddy......time for me to sleep now.
Have a good safe trip Robin.Off to the island again.....rip & tear construction...and giant turkey dinner!!! Woot!!