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its so nice to know I'm not the only ******* that falls down... The first thing that goes through my head is if there are any knots aimed at an inappropriate location... I don't mind gettin stabbed its the violation that scares me:msp_scared:
ya'll wouldn't fall so much if you limbed with such and such, bucked with so and so, sort of like old dozers that started with a little motor, me, I carry at least 1 660 for bucking, one 660 for falling, and then there is the 660 for limbing. Its a very special combination my orthopedist helped me come up with.
I made one of my falling partners cry once......Well, at least there were tears running down his cheeks while he was laughing.
Saw boss sent us to the next unit, no roads yet. He had failed to mention the 6' bluff that we would have to get down on our way. Earl looked and asked me what I thought would be the best way down. I tossed my saw, jug's, and pack off the little bluff and said "Hell I'm gonna fall down it any way I do it". With that I just bailed off and busted my ass. Earl was laughing so hard he couldn't see. He walked up to me a few minutes later & said there was a nice little trail about 50 yards down.
I'm no stranger to fallin' down.

Oh, and just to keep it on topic...I was wearing suspenders. :laugh:

The thing to say, when one is trying hard not to roll around laughing, is, with a solemn face, "Well you got that out of the way, let's get to work."

I'm usually the acrobat. The last time, I got a lecture on how heavy the Bullard hardhats are. It didn't stay on for that somersault, and was picked up by the guy behind me.

Two of us did some fancy footwork at the same time. There was nobody to see us, but we'd bailed off the cutbank of the road and landed on moss covered chunks of asphalt. Asphalt and calks are a slick combination. Neither of us went down, but there was desperate scrabbling of the feet going on.

I tried some unglittery beads on the other pair of Little Logger suspenders. I'm going to tear them off. They don't look as glamorous as the glittery ones. Glamor is important for Little Loggers.

I tried some unglittery beads on the other pair of Little Logger suspenders. I'm going to tear them off. They don't look as glamorous as the glittery ones. Glamor is important for Little Loggers.

Only if they're girls. Boys, being more practical in every way, just want their pants to stay up.
You mean other people, besides me, fall down? The other day I was going jump onto a log, all nimble and graceful like, and my 66 year old body just went "'re not going to be able to do that today". I wound up on one side of the log in the mud with my saw on the other side...also in the mud.

My wife was with me. I think she bit a hole in her lower lip trying not to laugh but she did say later that she gave me a 7.5 for acrobatics. She would have given me an 8.0 but I didn't stick the landing. :msp_sad:

Didn't stick the landing? Don't you guys wear golf shoes or some other kind of cleated footwear?
Didn't stick the landing? Don't you guys wear golf shoes or some other kind of cleated footwear?

Uh yeah, they don't prevent tripping, and they have a habit of not sticking to rocks, but they do tear yer pants up pretty good, and some times they get clogged with leaves and bark and bear poo(bear's only poo in the road though so its best to not walk on the road...)

and there called cork boots but spelled caulks, calks, corks, nails, etc...
Uh yeah, they don't prevent tripping, and they have a habit of not sticking to rocks, but they do tear yer pants up pretty good, and some times they get clogged with leaves and bark and bear poo(bear's only poo in the road though so its best to not walk on the road...)

and there called cork boots but spelled caulks, calks, corks, nails, etc...

Not in this house. Caulk shoes unless you're talking about those :msp_cursing: rubber boots with caulks in them.
holy cow, I got this thread movin hawh...before my post the last post was page 6 from august there's double the amount of pages! talk about chewin the fat...
Didn't stick the landing? Don't you guys wear golf shoes or some other kind of cleated footwear?

I have heard the golf shoe remark from so many east coasters, they really think its clever too. Just so yall know, you sound stupid.
Does it really look like a ####ing golf shoe or does it look like a tough ass leather boot with spikes on the bottom? I'm not trying to be personal or a #### here, its just dumb, come up with something better!
I believe the lumberjacks who compete in the log birling or is it burling or berling or trying to spin around on a log in the water dumping the other person off, wear golf shoes or something similar.