Work Saw Specialist
I need a few 372xp parts or a parts saw from that family. I've got stuff for trading and the never popular worthless gubermint notes.
I need an oil pump drive gear for a 026. The one that goes inside the plastic non adjustable pump housing. They are usually cracked on the plastic cases. Mine had a jammed drive gear that has flat sided the teethMy housing is good. Have parts and paper to trade. Hope to get my parts list posted between Christmas and new years.
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Is the 024 the same as the 026? I may have an 024 pump laying around.
I need a few 372xp parts or a parts saw from that family. I've got stuff for trading and the never popular worthless gubermint notes.
Whatcha need?
I need a few 372xp parts or a parts saw from that family. I've got stuff for trading and the never popular worthless gubermint notes.
Whatcha need?
I have a few 372 things too, not a complete project saw but a few parts kicking about.
I bought a open port 365 with a busted case......I've got a top end and a case, covers etc. Think I just need an intake boot and clamp and a muffler.
Intake boot and clamp I have for sure, muffler I'd have to check on. I think all my mufflers are gone. I can get the intake boot and clamp on the way in the a.m., I have shtuff to mail to other members anyway.
I have a muff, its dented in the front he that matters....
I could run with that.........:msp_tongue:
I'm gonna let it go.
The dent wouldn't bother me at all......does it have the brace?
I'll include a new brace.
its got a brace, pm me your address
its got a brace, pm me your address
A new brace, intake boot, clamp, and intake collar are headed Randy's way too.