Nate - I have all your brake stuff and a clutch, but no carb. I'll call you in a bit.
not if I call you first while i'm on brake!
TED got all but the 029/290/310/390 carb. Does anyone else have a good one for me?
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Nate - I have all your brake stuff and a clutch, but no carb. I'll call you in a bit.
I'm still needing a 46cc piston/cylinder for a non-strato Craftsman/Poulan.
I could use it asap if anybody gots one.
Got stuff to trade.
I'm in need of a Husqvarna 2100 throttle rocker thingy that attaches to the crankcase and the throttle linkage wire as I just broke the arm off one while trying to get the throttle wire out. :msp_angry:
not if I call you first while i'm on brake!
TED got all but the 029/290/310/390 carb. Does anyone else have a good one for me?
I might have a rebuildable one or two. Tell me the carburetor number please.
Anyone happen to have a 346XP jug that may clean up ?
Also looking for a Stihl 029 crankcase.
Got stuff to trade or silly paper .
I'll have to look at the one I have... Not sure on number... I have a spare but it 's still acting funny after a rebuild and 9 times through the sonic cleaner. threw a new carb on the saw and it ran perfect... Figure I'll skip the headaches and try on another carb.
I'll check tonight.
I have a couple 029 crankcases (the plastic chassis that clamshell engines bolts in). They may not have much with them as vultures seem to pick stuff off them over time. Shoot me a pm if interested. When I get home, I can look them over.
My laptop HDD just sh*t the bed too :bang:
Computers.... Here to make your life easier. :dizzy.
I made an image of that drive before sending it to you, since I knew it would fail like I mentioned to you
And I put that image on another drive, I just havent sent it yet :msp_wink:
Looking for a Dolly 117 air filter or two.
Some folks want $50 for one. . . I'll pay that much when pigs fly into hell to sell ice cream.
I have some Stihl 011 avt parts I would like to trade for some 028 parts. There are pictures of the 011 parts in the auctions section.
What I really need are:
Intake manifold
Oil seals
Impulse tube
PM please!
I have a solo 603 . I would like to trade for a 394 or 395 if any one is interested . The solo is a running ready to go with a 28 inch b&c . The 394 or 395 doesnt have to run but would like it to be all there .
Looking for a Dolly 117 air filter or two.
Some folks want $50 for one. . . I'll pay that much when pigs fly into hell to sell ice cream.
Still looking, I really need 2 cylinders for 028 AVEQ and pistons if they can be had if not I will get some Meteors! I will even take cylinders that need cleaned up. I also need one electronic coil. Have green dirt if needed