ArboristSite Operative
Looking for Husqvarna 394 / 395 muffler and clutch cover with brake.
If anyone can help out please PM.
If anyone can help out please PM.
i can get you new after market stuff for the 395.
Finally got a look at all these bars I got and got the ones put aside I want to keep.
Got tons of small mount Homlite bars, from 14-24" some sprocket nose but alot of hardnose.
Lots of Homelite Perma hard tipped bars for the C series ect in 17, 21, and 25".
Quite a few 14 and 16" bars branded skil but will work on any of the Emab, Trail, Quandra built saws like the small Parter, Skill, Jonsered etc.
Got a few hardnose bars in the early Homlite XL-12 with 5/16" studs and there actually the same as the old Poulan mount for the 306 etc.
There are also quite a few Super XL type mount bars in hardnose and sprocket nose.
Most have some surface rust and are good user bars, not for shelf queens but there are a few mint or near mint bars.
Probably looking for paper for most of these, but lots of paper probably wont be involved.
Mark, do any of the hard nose bars fit an xl 925 ?
I forgot to specifiy: 24-25". A farmer from San Pierre area told me he can't find hardnose 25" any more, so I've been watching for him.Yes they do. How about a 30"?
757 Shinny...
Has some hardware issues that can be fixed easily by inserts....Other than that a good running saw.
Thought I'd give everyone a crack at this stuff here before I move it along otherwise...
Makita DCS 52, I believe. Seems to run good, but would certainly benefit from a fuel line replacement and a carb kit.
It is in fair shape but needs the bar studs repaired. It seems the original owner was quite the ham fist and literally pulled the bar studs out of the case. I have one of the bar studs, you'll need the second one. There is a crack in the upper handle bar mount cover. Oiler seems to work, but the oiler line appears to be missing something, likely a small metal tube (I haven't looked at the IPLs). You can see in the pics, I believe.
Will trade for other saws, or American Paper
I'm in need of a Stihl 090 Ducati type flywheel , part # 0204 1030 57.
Looking for a Echo CS-310 piston and ring. Anyone got one?
Green paper and some stihl parts for trade.
Looking for a orange recoil for a Echo CS341. Got stuff to trade ! TIA
Trying to find my dad some husky saws . He has stihls n iam looking to switch him . Projects would be good . Let me know if u have somthin