Need a good OEM MS460 front handlebar if anyone has a extra.
Let me know if you have one and we can work something out.
Let me know if you have one and we can work something out.
Got a new unopened winter air filter kit for an 044. Got it on Ebay, thought I was looking at the regular barrel style filter but didnt read close enough. Dont need it, it dosnt get cold where I live. Im looking for a regular filter or a cylinder cover for an 044 if anybody is interested.
I have an 026 Pro and a 290 pro up for trade. Looking for Partner 5000Plus/5000, Husky 242xp, 254xp, 266xp. Dolmar or Makita 64000.
need muffler for 372xp
Hey guys, I have a mix matched coil/flywheel combo on one of my 064's. It explains the ignition problems I have had. So I either need to find a proper coil or flywheel.
The coil I need is a the "dog-legged" CDIC, rev-limited version. PN 1122 400 1300
Or I could use a unlimited flywheel, flywheels with any of these PN's should work, 1201, 1203, and 1207, and maybe some more. I have a metal flywheel off of a Red Light 066 but it doesn't fit well on the taper and the fins are too wide for my starter housing.
I have a 1201 for Epick but also found a 1204. Jake do you know what that fits? Has "made in YU" on it. Mike
Also need a husky brake lever for an inboard clutch husky (362,372, 385, 390)
part # 537-00-87-01 could also use the plastic cover piece over the brake spring as well.
trades (parts) avail or green:
That is not a 272 brake part. it is a 372. I think I have one for you. Mike
530 677 2842
I know this is near blasphemy here but I'm looking for an 029 parts saw or even a 039 parts saw. PM me if you have one complete or a partial saw in decent condition. Thanks