Bob- if you make it down to one of the PNW GTGs this year, I'll trade you some homegrown jerky and smoked salmon.
I kinda thought it might be pushing it, Bowtie. But I figured since I was looking to swap FOR saws, parts, etc. it might be OK.
Mods, if ya don't approve, feel free to delete.
SawGarage.....If I can ever help you out with parts, I'll try to include a bag of Cheezies. You'll drop those styrofoam Cheetos and never look back.
Damn I'm starting to jones for them Cheesies. It's been awhile since I felt like this, hhhands are ssssshakkking.
Rob- if an 036 muffler will work for you, then I have one here with your name on it.
I have a bunch laying around. Most of mine need the ignition lead, terminal, and boot but I'd be happy to send a freebie.
If it will fit the 034 super, i'll take it, whatcha need?
Thank you. PM sent.
I don't usually reply to PMs right away because I get so many and I just got back home from being gone about 7 months, so I got lots to do.
most anything old heavy and loud in working or needs some love condition. PM me with what ya might have that'd interest me.
stihl 045av parts 372xp parts some 288xp parts