Chris J.
Addicted to ArboristSite
Jonsered 670 parts, part two of four.
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Anyone have Piston/and or rings for a Husky 181se?
Jonsered 670 parts, part four of four.
will a husky 35 brake work? let me know.
NEVERMINDI see that were talking about the 36-41 chassis.. ooops.
What are you trying to trade for?
I will have to do some research. Is that .404?
Thanks for the consideration, Jay.... I've been meanin' to be in touch. - might notta have wanted to help, iffin you knew that I am the culprit, albeit perhaps very deserving...that scooped that 090AV.....:msp_sneaky:
Perhaps, after I get back rom the annual Moab, UT, trip with the bro. and nephews, I'll take a ride out your way.......
RE Jonsered 670 parts...
I've got a couple trades pending, but I'm still looking for a complete/nearly complete Jred 920/930/820. Since I now have 2095, parts for my 920 aren't anything urgent.
Parts I'm keeping: The CC with the good CB, one of the AF covers.
Parts that might be spoken for: Carb/cylinder boot, AF cover, CC with metal knee-joint CB, & enough parts to assemble a 670 (this swap is tenative).
I could still use some parts as well... not sure where in we left off ( I know I gotta dig out some j-red parts still)
interested in other trades, or ??
talk soon.
Jay, I'm holding one of the 670 clutch covers with a bad knee-joint for you. We had also discussed the 630, & the Husky recoil.
well then...Good for you. BUT, why would you say, DESERVING?? hmmmYou must have emailed AFTER I did
as people USUALLY respond to emails from last to 1st...
Moab??? Goin' Jeepin?!?!
Why 'deserving'...??? :msp_rolleyes:
Well..... I HAVE been a good boy while the wife has been away....
And, I HAVE been sufferin' here with nothin' over 94.7 CCs.....
Do they still make 'Wheaties' cereal....? I think I'll need a few cases....
---- when I get 'em below the 500-dollar point, though......
Can ya carry-on a saw, these days, IF all the liquids are drained?
Suffering, huh? LOL...
sub-$500... lol. good try, I guess... It looked VERY clean. chainbrake on that??? looked it.
NO! no carrying on a saw. I have been told FIRST hand by a gentleman that got a good deal on a 066 needing some odds/ends that had to MISS his flight, OR GIVE IT AWAY at the airport, to avoid getting arrested....
- Yes, great suffering..... having the opportunity to have saws shipped in daily, without any scrutiny, yet lacking the means...:msp_unsure:
You'll have to give it a run!