Swap meet...

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These goats heres easy peasy to get stumpbroke. :laugh:


I have to ask.........How in the hell do you leave something as important as a crankshaft bearing out?

don't ask me i think i got in a hurry trying to get it going again and forgot to put in back in. But atleast i didn't give up on it and kept on trying untill i got it going again. now i'm waiting on my new fuel lines and it should be ready to cut wood again.
I have to ask.........How in the hell do you leave something as important as a crankshaft bearing out?

Randy, I feel for you and the other sponsors. That guy gets the same benefits you do.

Granted, he is providing a different kind of service as a source of comedic material. But, in the grand scheme of things its kinda sad.

I think 98% of his posts are just outright bs and the other 2% are suspect.
Randy, I feel for you and the other sponsors. That guy gets the same benefits you do.Granted, he is providing a different kind of service as a source of comedic material. But, in the grand scheme of things its kinda sad.

I think 98% of his posts are just outright bs and the other 2% are suspect.

WTF!!! You guys get benefits working here!?! That's it I'm firing off a very terse email to one Mr Darin Johnson, I've worked here for over a year without one stinkin' mention of benefits......AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!

I was on a thread the other night and someone posted a drawing of a sprocket with a brass bushing. I have looked for it and can not find it. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where to find it. Thanks Tom

I've got a box of old Pioneer stuff that I got from a dealer that went out years ago....starter pawls, rim drive sprocket etc..some stuff is marked with part#'s
WTF!!! You guys get benefits working here!?! That's it I'm firing off a very terse email to one Mr Darin Johnson, I've worked here for over a year without one stinkin' mention of benefits......AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!

What benefits i didn't know we get benefits.

Randy, I feel for you and the other sponsors. That guy gets the same benefits you do.

Granted, he is providing a different kind of service as a source of comedic material. But, in the grand scheme of things its kinda sad.

I think 98% of his posts are just outright bs and the other 2% are suspect.

i'm not trying to post BS posts. i'm trying real hard to not post so stupid stuff. But it looks like i'll just post if i don't really know anything and try to figure it out on my own. But thats a differnt story So Back to the topick of Swap Meet
I have to ask.........How in the hell do you leave something as important as a crankshaft bearing out?

Welp, at the risk of sounding dumb, (cause lord knows we don't want that), I put a saw together one time and when I pulled the string I about punched myself in the mouth.

No compression. None. Funny noises.

####ing piston still sitting on the bench.:monkey:

In other news, you Tennessee boys sure can train them goats. Never saw them just fall over and wait for you before.:ices_rofl:
Do you have pics of your eyebrow setup?

The same things happened to me the first 13-15 times I did it also. You sure are a quick learner. I ended up using adhesive backed Velcro to replace my eyebrow. I think it gave a very authentic look as I used the fuzzy side. But, I'd be interested in seeing your marker technique. I'm working on a trade for a goat, the guy won't post any pics though. So, I think she may be a touch on the homely side. If them markers is magic enough maybe I can pretty her up to make her presentable at the next speed dating/family reunion.

Thanks again. I wish I could rep you more.

i read "she" and "her"......see thats what happens when you assume.....this goat is a male minus the testicles....same thing as a female if your far enough south
Welp, at the risk of sounding dumb, (cause lord knows we don't want that), I put a saw together one time and when I pulled the string I about punched myself in the mouth.

No compression. None. Funny noises.

####ing piston still sitting on the bench.:monkey:


Now that is funny. Something i would do!

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i read "she" and "her"......see thats what happens when you assume.....this goat is a male minus the testicles....same thing as a female if your far enough south

I didn't have high hopes for the deal anyway, she couldn't have been to good of a goat if you were trading her away.

Jon1212 might still be interested. The billies I saw at his place were producing just as much silk as the nannies. Maybe even a little more. I know he was looking for a side business to hold him over until his benefits kicked in.
What benefits i didn't know we get benefits.

i'm not trying to post BS posts. i'm trying real hard to not post so stupid stuff. But it looks like i'll just post if i don't really know anything and try to figure it out on my own. But thats a differnt story So Back to the topick of Swap Meet

Your sponsorship got you the benefit of being able to post on this site. In case you don't remember you were banned under multiple different names and kept lying about your true identity. Then you bribed the site owners into letting you back on and became a sponsor.

Do I have the events correct?
First Visit

So, please help me out. Is this thread primarily to ask for and trade parts? And if we have items specifically to sell for $ they go in the Classifieds? Is that the general idea? I don't want to have to read 1,100 pages of posts to get the protocol down right.

And what makes something a 'Premium Classified'?


I didn't have high hopes for the deal anyway, she couldn't have been to good of a goat if you were trading her away.

Jon1212 might still be interested. The billies I saw at his place were producing just as much silk as the nannies. Maybe even a little more. I know he was looking for a side business to hold him over until his benefits kicked in.

I hate that goat....the only reason I even allowed him on my place was because my son wanted to learn to fight bulls and an onery goat is a pretty good teacher...this fat lazy SOB couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper sack.......probably a good thing you dont want to trade because Im pretty sure he would have ate the red shop rags enroute. FYI....they wont eat sheetrock screws but they will eat sheetrock
So, please help me out. Is this thread primarily to ask for and trade parts? And if we have items specifically to sell for $ they go in the Classifieds? Is that the general idea? I don't want to have to read 1,100 pages of posts to get the protocol down right.

And what makes something a 'Premium Classified'?




But I don't think proper protocol matters much when this thread derails every 2ft. down the tracks.

Some of us actually need parts to get to work.
Stihl 020 AV Buffer

Stihl 020AV Annular Buffer part # 1114-790-9900.

Anybody got one of these in good shape laying around? Got some stuff to trade, or can make a tax free donation to your personal acc. Thanks ~Zane


Also need the ON/OFF switch for the 020AV (the plastic piece) Thanks `~Zane
