oakwilt said:
Rather than just try to adjust your thinking parameters regarding gaffing hardwoods susceptable to various airborne or other various transmitable viral or bacterial threats, I invite you to the Hill country of Texas to attempt an ascent of a centuries-old live oak with your macho set-up and see how far up you get. I won't stop you but a very concerned and vigilant tree industry most certainly would. They share much data and info, most of it confusing and some even baseless, but all agree on one very important no-no.
Oakwilt, did you actually read my original post? I never endorsed using spikes on prunes and I stated so!
Adjust my thinking? Thats quite the pompous attitude. What should be adjusted is the need for people to pass themselves off as experts, misrepresenting the facts and not backing up outraeous claims with some verifiable reference.
for example:
oakwilt said:
... Influenza is a "pest". Know what causes lethal yellowing in palm?
A. Causal Agent of LY
In 1968, organisms called mycoplasmas were found to cause certain plant diseases. Many diseases previously thought to be caused by viruses have since been found to be associated with mycoplasmas or mycoplasma-like-organisms (MLO's). Evidence suggesting that LY was also caused by these single-celled organisms was reported in 1972. The presence of MLO's within the food-conducting tissues (phloem) of palm trees affected by LY and the response of palm trees to anitibiotic injections (oxytetracycline) were the two pieces of evidence which indicate that MLO's are responsible for LY.
B. Insect Vector
A planthopper identified as Myndus crudus has been shown to transmit the causal agent of LY in replicated tests at the Agricultural Research and Education Center. Myndus crudus was collected from the leaves of palms where LY was prevelant and then transferred to caged, healthy palms. In all cages where the insects were introduced, the palms developed LY. The presence of the MLO was subsequently verified with the electron microscope.
By the way, mycoplasmas are bacteria.
I guess the question that begs to be asked is: do YOU Know what causes lethal yellowing in palm?
I really dont want this to continue so I'm going to spell this out one more time so it is understood.
I can't say it any simpler than that.