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There have been a number of oakwilt infestations that are linked to ROW work.

056- Do you work for Harry? As I said in his post, I've seen cankers and decay associated with old gaff marks. I've seen tree failure due to deacy around old topping cuts.

Would you like a discussion on tree biology, or are you set in your ways and won't listen.

As fro climbing on a rope, vs. a buck strap...well i bet you I can jump from stem to stem easier then you can ;)
fpyontek said:
I also wonder about your silence when I question why arborists don't sanitize their saws.

I've been doing this work for a while, about 13-14 years now, much less than you. So to learn, I ask you: Is it necessary of sanitize saw bars and chains? I always thought that between the bar oil and heat, it would kill any pathogens. Do you have reference to material proving otherwise? I do keep a 50/50 bleach/water spray bottle on the truck for pruners and such. gaffs I don't care about, if I'm wearing them, the tree is gone anyway, so who cares if I spread anything from one piece of firewood to another. Brings up the point of handlines, lanyards and climbing rope. If they can transmit pathogens, and come into contact with fresh cuts, could this be a vector also?

I'm following a controlled database of 23 recognized disease events occurring in North America. If you're not familiar with the mapped destruction crossing several economic species, you're apparently in an area of pristine health, an area I'm not at all familiar with but would certainly like to know about.

"Sanitation" is an industry practiced norm here, but then we're in the largest destruction foci known of three different but highly destructive systemic fungal parasites. The physical nature of a gaff wound is unlike any other natural or trauma-induced injury, the first place I venture to extract a hot sample of any of the above mentioned pathogens. I know, I wounded the trees to expedite my research.

Rather than just try to adjust your thinking parameters regarding gaffing hardwoods susceptable to various airborne or other various transmitable viral or bacterial threats, I invite you to the Hill country of Texas to attempt an ascent of a centuries-old live oak with your macho set-up and see how far up you get. I won't stop you but a very concerned and vigilant tree industry most certainly would. They share much data and info, most of it confusing and some even baseless, but all agree on one very important no-no.

Sterilization is impossible but attempted by reasonable sanitation, at least by informed and dedicated people. Excuse to use gaffs that indeed could be sterilized better than a saw chain or clutch cover isn't my point at all. Opening a door to invite a vector in is the point 56, a very serious one.

Oh, and I do use gaffs....on dead takedowns....sometimes.
056 u r a troll! you have never operated a saw or climbed a tree in your life. what are you doing here. get a life...
oakwilt-what about when bears scratch up a tree, like from 3 feet to 8 feet from the ground with thier claws. Whatcha gonna do about that? And isn't all this tree death making you guys money from removals? I know that you and J.P.S. have probably forgotten more about trees than I'll ever know but c'mon, we all love trees, but they are still just trees. Please answer this-are you making money removing dead or dying trees or not?
oakwilt said:
Rather than just try to adjust your thinking parameters regarding gaffing hardwoods susceptable to various airborne or other various transmitable viral or bacterial threats, I invite you to the Hill country of Texas to attempt an ascent of a centuries-old live oak with your macho set-up and see how far up you get. I won't stop you but a very concerned and vigilant tree industry most certainly would. They share much data and info, most of it confusing and some even baseless, but all agree on one very important no-no.

Oakwilt, did you actually read my original post? I never endorsed using spikes on prunes and I stated so!
Adjust my thinking? Thats quite the pompous attitude. What should be adjusted is the need for people to pass themselves off as experts, misrepresenting the facts and not backing up outraeous claims with some verifiable reference.

for example:
oakwilt said:
... Influenza is a "pest". Know what causes lethal yellowing in palm?

A. Causal Agent of LY

In 1968, organisms called mycoplasmas were found to cause certain plant diseases. Many diseases previously thought to be caused by viruses have since been found to be associated with mycoplasmas or mycoplasma-like-organisms (MLO's). Evidence suggesting that LY was also caused by these single-celled organisms was reported in 1972. The presence of MLO's within the food-conducting tissues (phloem) of palm trees affected by LY and the response of palm trees to anitibiotic injections (oxytetracycline) were the two pieces of evidence which indicate that MLO's are responsible for LY.

B. Insect Vector

A planthopper identified as Myndus crudus has been shown to transmit the causal agent of LY in replicated tests at the Agricultural Research and Education Center. Myndus crudus was collected from the leaves of palms where LY was prevelant and then transferred to caged, healthy palms. In all cages where the insects were introduced, the palms developed LY. The presence of the MLO was subsequently verified with the electron microscope.


By the way, mycoplasmas are bacteria.
I guess the question that begs to be asked is: do YOU Know what causes lethal yellowing in palm?

I really dont want this to continue so I'm going to spell this out one more time so it is understood.


I can't say it any simpler than that.
begleytree said:
Is it necessary of sanitize saw bars and chains? I always thought that between the bar oil and heat, it would kill any pathogens. Do you have reference to material proving otherwise?

Hi Ralph,
I don't think that normal saw usage produces enough heat. I know your told to boil water for 5 minutes to kill pathogens in water, that seems like a lot of heat. Below are three sites that deal with the issue of sterilization.

(excerpt below)

Pruning and Plant Health

"While pruning is often used to remove insect- and disease-infected portions of the tree, pruning can also place a tree under stress and provide wounds suitable for insect and disease entry, especially when a tree has been severely pruned. Insects such as the bronze birch borer and the carpenterworm on hardwoods and the pitch moths on conifers may attack pruned trees. Cytospora canker and Diplodia shoot blight are two diseases that attack conifers through pruning wounds on otherwise healthy trees. The risk of infection by disease organisms can be reduced by sterilizing pruning equipment after use in pruning diseased trees to remove galls, cankers, and shoot blights."

or see:


jason j ladue said:
glens said:
056 works for (or is) Harold McPeak!
where'd you get that?
056 kid said:
i can testify that gaffs don't cause all the damage they are apparently supposed to. My boss,(a veteran of 40 years) has climbed with gaffs and a safety belt all that time and has never killed a single tree. He has had customers that have used him time and time again. I have seen big pin oaks that he topped and trimmed years ago and they looked beautiful!
ismyturnnow said:
Have you, honestly have you ever once seen a tree die from spiking. Well I'd like to answer that before I go on. I've been doing this a long time people and I have yet to see one tree die from spiking or become unhealthy from spiking. I have yet to see any tree I've topped die from spiking and Topping at the same time. ... I do good work and I get paid for it and I get called back to do more work not because the trees have died from spiking or topping because the trees are living, looking good and healthy.
It's funny everyone thinks this is a troll and yet they fall all overthemselves to reply. Well I for one won't be bated into reponding to this thread...DOH!
I am working on getting some pics of trees either dying or dead from toping. A coworker says he will be taking a bunch down next week so I hope he remembers to take some pics. They will be up as soon as, and if, I get them.
I recall owning an 056 years ago. Somewhere on the road to and from, it slipped out and off the tailgate never to be seen again. I replaced it with a 066 and never missed it after that.
Why don't one of ya''ll do a little private eye investigatin and find out who this 056 is? Contemplation on my part has caused me to agree with those who think he is what you call a "troll". Go Jim Rockford style when you have some spare time and dig for the truth. I think he's rattling everyones chain on purpose, needs to be grabbed and asked " What you doing heyahh boy, my you one o them boys from York City" I am not in any way making fun of southern accents, I think they are cool, sounds real hot when a woman talks like that.
i did my first climb a few weeks ago. my boss wants me to learn how to use the ropes before i start using gaffs. using the ropes helps us learn the knots better and faster

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