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:surprised3: Deja vu all over again!
Yesterday I spotted a bazillion teeny tiny tads in my swimming pool - a larger pool someone gave me this year, but it still has the "holding water/not air" issue the old one had. :(
Nevertheless, it's chockfull of tiny tads - and - this morning I counted 47 clusters of eggs give, or take. :oops::D
This is the small frog pond. They like to munch on the leaves I cut from the garden.

I added the plantain since it does well in water, gives the eggs something to cling to and the tads something to munch on. :) The driftwood is also for when they lose their tails. 🐸
Made some shade for the fish and frog ponds this morning.
Cleaned the fishpond/watered the garden.
Everybody's happy. :havingarest:

fishpond 062224.JPG
fishpond shade062224.JPG
Growing a bumper crop of tads this year! :dancing:

Day before yesterday, I noticed the water was getting very hot in the tank so I let some out and replaced with fresh from the garden hose to cool it off a little. They seemed happy about that. :yes:

We had a little storm pass over last night with a good soaking rain and I was worried the "tad tank" would collapse.
After the rain passed I went out with a flashlight and all was well - in fact about a dozen assorted frogs were sitting on the edge of the pool singing. :)

Took these videos this morning.
They are enjoying the spent day lily flowers, but seem to really love the squash leaves. I tossed in the end cuttings from the yellow beans I picked this morning and a few bean leaves to see how they like those.
The plantain is holding up well and creating a nice surface for algae growth, they love to eat that too.

It doesn't take much to make me happy. :havingarest:
Tested the water in all three ponds and, surprisingly, they look nearly identical to me.
I say surprising because of the color of the water in the three ponds; the small frog pond is a dark green, thick-with-algae looking soup, can't see past the first inch, or so.
The fish pond, same size, is almost clear, some green tint from algae. This is the pond water I use in the garden.
The large "tad tank" is a nearly-clear yellow color, I'm thinking the yellow is coming from the garden leaves I'm putting in there for the tads to munch on. There is also a slight green tint, from algae.

All the tads and fish appear healthy and happy.:havingarest:

Here's the results:
Free Chlorine: 0
Ph: 8.4
Total Alkalinity ppm: 180
Total Hardness: 100
Cyanuric Acid: 70


@esshup What's your opinion on the test results?
What happens when the fish start eating the tadpoles, or the frogs start eating the fish?

They both do that........

Plus thing is they will both eat mosquito larva.......
We practice segregation around here. 🐸 :p
I have side by side ponds, one for the fish and one for the tads/frogs.
I have an aerator/bubbler in the fish pond, but not in the frog pond since they prefer still water.
I use the mosquito dunks in both of these ponds. The tads are vegans until they lose their tails, then they will go for the insect protein.
This year I also have the large inflatable "tad tank" that is full of tads. That's the one in the video I just posted tonight.

The adult frogs also eat frog eggs and tads... and sometimes other frogs.
yep watched a bull frog inhale a smaller frog. I had no idea how fast they got. Had frogs living in my loader bucket. Took the tractor near the pond and let them go into the stream.
Tested the water in all three ponds and, surprisingly, they look nearly identical to me.
I say surprising because of the color of the water in the three ponds; the small frog pond is a dark green, thick-with-algae looking soup, can't see past the first inch, or so.
The fish pond, same size, is almost clear, some green tint from algae. This is the pond water I use in the garden.
The large "tad tank" is a nearly-clear yellow color, I'm thinking the yellow is coming from the garden leaves I'm putting in there for the tads to munch on. There is also a slight green tint, from algae.

All the tads and fish appear healthy and happy.:havingarest:

Here's the results:
Free Chlorine: 0
Ph: 8.4
Total Alkalinity ppm: 180
Total Hardness: 100
Cyanuric Acid: 70

View attachment 1186467View attachment 1186468
@esshup What's your opinion on the test results?
Why is the Cyanuric acid even in there that is a Chlorine stabilizer for pools? You read it, right? Something is inaccurate.

@Mad Professor

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