ArboristSite Guru
aww, thanks!
my mom and my step mom have both been negative influences in my life, and my dad's and bro have been the BEST thing in my life from day one!
heres mine. ive got another as well. maybe another pic later.
really? I personally know three guys who have that. Cool, BTW....
Here is my silky tattoo on my left shoulder blade
For many it is a business decision. Many clients are still turned off, or distru####l of people with multiple tattoos, especially if they have full sleeves and stuff crawling up their neck.
To many it implies affiliation with some form of criminal underclass, weather biker, gang or wannabe hoodlum.
As for piercings, I would not let a climber in a tree with facial rings and such.
Thanks for saving me some typing. LOL!
It would be great if we lived in a society who doesn't pre-judge a person for their skin color, religion or gender... and the way we appear. However, we don't live in that society, so in order to move progress along for the better, it's wise in my eyes, to fit in when necessary if it serves a greater purpose...
...Like getting a job, working on a job or keeping up appearances for the sake of a business transaction because clients can't help but have first impressions.
personally i love tattoos and i hate when peopl think they are stupid. I have4 all together, my largest on is 14 inches long across my lower back, all of them can be covered by work clothes or revealed when i want them to be. i perxonaly think its no diff than getting an ear peirced, once the hole is they, its there forever, i have has my ears done since i was 4 and they stil havent healed up,
This is why I refrain from getting any more visible tattoos. I only have 1 that you can see with my shirt on, a clock on my right forearm, which is why when out bidding I usually have a long sleeve undershirt beneath my company tee. 1 visible tat I doubt matters too much to most potential clients but may as well put your best foot foreward just in case.