Ten Week Tree Surgeons

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Jun 8, 2005
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Both sides of the planet
Ok you lot, here is where we keep in touch.
Anyone who has been a 10 weeker at Merrist Wood, studied at the feet of Jack Kenyon, been told that if you ever use you saw one handed 'you will die!' :angry2:
log on here for chat.
Hi Bermie,

I did this course starting in November 97. I found it all very scary and quite a challenge, as the learning curve is very steep. but I enjoyed it immensely. I've got a lot of respect for Jack kenyon and most of the lecturers we had. They told it like it was, ie. 10 weeks is just enough to make sure you don't kill yourself within your first month of employment

Does Derek Hanson still teach the machinery bit? He was quite a laugh.
Heh Acer you were there about the same time as me, I live next door to Merrist Wood now between the bakery and the roundabout :) Derek is still there i believe and so is Spanner / Iain. I think Jack Kenyon is gone but i'm not sure. One of my lads is on the course now so i'll ask him next week. :eek:)
I went on a course with Jack last year [advanced tree reports].All these lecturers are ok but lets face it if they were any good they'd be running there own bizz.I use a saw one handed almost daily and always will.
Rolla, alot of them do run their own bizz as well. You are right though i've found most lecturers have failed in the real world and gone for teaching as the easy option. Some with less than 1yrs real world experience. That was definatly the case when i did the Countryside Management course. 3 years of mainly bollox !
i did the 10 week course in 2002 if memory serves me correct, oh happy days :) it was a laugh had a good bunch of people on the course, would recommend, how we laughed when the mini bus crashed into the M3 bridge :).
Yes Jack Kenyon still teaches there as does Derek aka Fonzie as we called him.
To all you bunch who are dissing teachers BUG OFF! I learned a s***load from those guys, I teach too and can tell when someone knows what they are talking about and how to teach. Out of nine people involved in teaching, only one of them was crap - not bad odds at all. To teach all the practical skills involved in tree surgery you better know what's what or you'll be sending somone out to kill themselves!
Some people turn to teaching because they want to make sure the next bunch of people coming along are given a good start, or are brought up to standard on the latest stuff, or they have spent a career up in the trees and have gotten too old or worn out and still want to pass on their skills and knowledge.

Nuff said, pictures soon.
Bermie i agree with you upto a point ecspecially on the tree surgery course. However there ALOT of lecturers at Merrist Wood who had / have NO real practical grounding or experience in what they are teaching....

You and Rolla are right the best teachers are those that do both, teach and work...
Base said:
i did the 10 week course in 2002 if memory serves me correct, oh happy days :) it was a laugh had a good bunch of people on the course, would recommend, how we laughed when the mini bus crashed into the M3 bridge :).

We just had the trailer come off the land rover and over take us going down a hill at Frensham Lol :D
10 week tree surgery course,my arse,bloody hell, 50 days in a class room ,reading bloody books ,listerning to bullchit,10 bloody weeks ,is this the ultimate belittling of this industry,could someone teach me plumbing in 10 weeks ,no ,or brick laying,no ,what crap,bloody hells bells ,bloody hell get me a beer,before i piss myself laughing,,,,,imagine applying for a job in the real world with 50 days classroom experience ,,,,,,my motto ,earn while you learn ,20 plus yrs in the job and still learning daily ,
About 800.00 i think Blue, and yes there is alot to be said for what TG says. I did the ND BTW !

I'm putting one of my lads through it the advantage being he's legal when he comes out, and then can start learning on the job in the real world. 10 week'rs coming out of Merrist Wood with no previous climbing experience are, in general, crap ! But think they are the dogs bollox before you put them up there 1st real tree....

<runs for cover>
£800 aint bad but what does it teach 'em.i would love to see one of 'em up a tree in the real world.would get me deck chair and tinnies out just for the occasion
It is quite amusing ! I finished a big Oak TD next to a house the other week, big co-dom stems one of which was completly dead this trees about 8' through the base.

I asked my lad how long do you reckon before you can do that, he replies, when i've finished my course ! I think the trouble is it looks easy from the ground !
i did the hnd at hoghall in 98-2000, came out with more nptc tickets than the nd's? how i dunno. i was crap too. i knew the basics, but bloody hell. did some dangerous stuff that now ide think thrice about!!!! u never stop learning tho. learnt some good stuff mon/tue at treevolution. worth every penny
PRUNER 1 said:
learnt some good stuff mon/tue at treevolution. worth every penny

Wonder why we don't see these big shots from Treevolution etc etc on Arboricutural forums from time to time ??
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