Who's for a game?
G'day veiwers, ......Derek back in the seat!
Firstly a REALY BIG thank you to everyone for their kind thoughts and exelent advice!
One of the funniest things i've read here in ages, was Toni's reply to you all, dident she do a good job.. ( Might be able to get her to post under Derek"s lady, soon) lol...
Secondly, what happened was.... I had just cut through a large limb with a heavey saw, it went a bit quick and was caught a little off balance, i was useing it one handed and it was sort of comeing for my leg, and as you do, pulled up on it to stop it.
As my elbow was sore anyway, i realise now that i had my arm bent and with that used my wrist/forarm muscle to stop it.
OUCH, somthing went horrably wrong, i "hung" around a few minutes, waiting for the "stars" to stop spinning round my eyes, and took a very long time to prussic down left handed.
Absolute agony!.....Not sure what i had done, thought for sure i had ripped my arm in two.. least thats how it felt.. Managed to get my elbow into some ice( no help) and got a lift back to the motel, Toni would be here soon to take me to my DR (2.5 hours away)
Toni was a little HARSH on the "poping codine like m & ms" there ibprofin tabs 12mg codine, i take two every four hours, but will admitt to sneaking in the forts from time to time.
I did on the way home and was to smashed to see anyone much less the doc, plus i allready had an appointment the next day for the injections.
By morning it looked ridiclaus, swollen to buggery, too sore to touch with ice, we speed up the appointment..
The good news is that my elbow is still stuffed from the tennis elbow, the bad news is i seem to have pulled/strained/possably ripped or torn the extensor digitorum (forarm muscle) down my right arm..
I have it strapped to my chest (even typing) tring to give it absolute rest. It is way to sore to let the doc check it out to much.
Bonus for Toni, there is to much fluid to give me the cortizone anyway, AND i WONT now following all the advice i have received,
Toni would prefer i would listen to her, but is happy that i am going to listen to most of you.
The "shark's guts" cream as i call it, is rancid...Smells like rotten fish and ecualiptus, and so far has done nothing for me. We also got it and the other thing in a capsual too. (WHACK "sharks cartalige" is expensive)..As a result of the failure of the antiinflamitorys to arrest the tennis elbow, apperantly i run a risk of intestine/heart/kidney problems if i continue to take them!
Now thursday nite and i miss them allready, they must of been doing somthing, Natural stuff only, it better start working soon!!!!
About the only thing i dont agree with in all the sugestions is that rest will fix it..IMO i dont think so..I just had a couple of months off, still did all the exersizers i should, and stayed in shape...
It was ten times worse with the time off, there have been days when it hasent bothered me at all, the next is "out there"
I'll agree with my wife here, it seams to make cents..
Untill the scar tissue is brocken up and removed, i will allways have problems with it.
When the swelling goes down a bit we are going to try acupunture with elecric wires going throuhg it? sounds like fun doesent it? Apperantly i have control of the "dial" and one wire is "to hot" turn up another one...Costs AU$75.00 per visit (lasts ten mins) and might need six visits, anyone tried that (can't rembember the name of it just now) The place is 5 hours away, long way for 10 mins!
I have to do somthing eles, modern medicine and there pills arn't doing it..So as a result of the elbow glitch, i have stressed out and possabily damaged other parts of the arm!
If any thing let this all be a lesson to us, and esspeacialy the new climbers coming through the ranks, dont let this happen to you...
In fact a new thread on "how to avoid "old age" in climbers"
would of been great for me years ago!..Would of known what to look out for and thats just arms..I'm sure ASers have some valuable input on knees/sholders/wrists and the like.
The very way we use our bodies to gain height, IS going to lead to problems that i for one would like to pass along..."PROTECT YOUR ELBOWS" even if there not sore yet!!
This has taken hours to write( more reason to look after your arms) i stink like the bottom of a biluge(glucosamine) and taking a shower is harder than you think with one arm..
Thanx again for the amazing support...AS rocks...Derek & co..
Ps CHE Toni wants to send you a PM when i show her how, sure you wont mind. ( Proberly wants to winge about husbands!?)
bye for now...