the all aussie dribble thread!

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its all jumped the shark now & ratings are finally dropping off, we will return to normal programs soon.

Speaking of any one seen American chainsaw,,, it grabbed my interest but so contrived was hard to watch a whole show

Ya saw that on telly a few months ago, can't believe its a real legit business? Spend about 5% of the time carving stuff and the rest just fart arsing around. Ahh well anything to get ratings I guess
Short vid of Saw Doctor hammering saws.... Johnny Gorton Is his name been hammering saws his whole life he left school to become a Saw Doctor as his trade with Spear & Jackson as they all did way back when ,its getting harder to get good saw doctors they are all retiring...
He's been hammering our saws from early 90's calls in every month or two...And yeah he has never worn any kind of earmuff! but he doesn't seem that deaf go figure? ,bugger that makes my ears bleed! haha
Short vid of Saw Doctor hammering saws.... Johnny Gorton Is his name been hammering saws his whole life he left school to become a Saw Doctor as his trade with Spear & Jackson as they all did way back when ,its getting harder to get good saw doctors they are all retiring...
He's been hammering our saws from early 90's calls in every month or two...And yeah he has never worn any kind of earmuff! but he doesn't seem that deaf go figure? ,bugger that makes my ears bleed! haha

yep like a lot of things these days it's a dying art

Thinking about buying a Tacho for my saws but dont know what to buy and where
Whats your thoughts

i use these

DSCF3575 (Custom).JPG

DSCF3620 (Custom).JPG
Short vid of Saw Doctor hammering saws.... Johnny Gorton Is his name been hammering saws his whole life he left school to become a Saw Doctor as his trade with Spear & Jackson as they all did way back when ,its getting harder to get good saw doctors they are all retiring...
He's been hammering our saws from early 90's calls in every month or two...And yeah he has never worn any kind of earmuff! but he doesn't seem that deaf go figure? ,bugger that makes my ears bleed! haha

Arr yes, he's getting on in years as all the good doctors are past retirement age.
His mate Terry helliwell from Wauchope (was the saw doctor from Skipper Australia in Sydney then Grafton) does mine.
I'm already getting to know Chris Gorton from Nelson Bay, he is takeing over from Terry soon as Terry is 74 years old ruffly.
Thinking about buying a Tacho for my saws but dont know what to buy and where
Whats your thoughts
Peter, for the average joe blow , consumer user of saws, buying a tachometer would be a waste of time!
Too many guys get caught up in top speed rpm's and forget about low speed mixture and idle speeds.
Most saws will produce maximum torque between 8,000/9,500 rpm, regardless of the top speed set via the mixture screw.
All saws can be tuned sufficiently by ear using the "4 stroking" method.
This is fool proof, especially for guys like myself , who live in high altitude, then drop down to the coast for an odd race.
Stick to the "4 stroking" method , or you will end up with a blown saw 4 sure.... Just my 20 cents worth!!!
Peter, for the average joe blow , consumer user of saws, buying a tachometer would be a waste of time!
Too many guys get caught up in top speed rpm's and forget about low speed mixture and idle speeds.
Most saws will produce maximum torque between 8,000/9,500 rpm, regardless of the top speed set via the mixture screw.
All saws can be tuned sufficiently by ear using the "4 stroking" method.
This is fool proof, especially for guys like myself , who live in high altitude, then drop down to the coast for an odd race.
Stick to the "4 stroking" method , or you will end up with a blown saw 4 sure.... Just my 20 cents worth!!!
thanks for your comment and thoughts, ive always done it the way you have and and never had trouble with the saws ,as you said, so i recon ill stick to what i know
last thing i would want is a stuffed saw and really ,i probably wouldnt know how to use the bloody thing anyway
so ill give the tach a miss
Arr yes, he's getting on in years as all the good doctors are past retirement age.
His mate Terry helliwell from Wauchope (was the saw doctor from Skipper Australia in Sydney then Grafton) does mine.
I'm already getting to know Chris Gorton from Nelson Bay, he is takeing over from Terry soon as Terry is 74 years old ruffly.
Will ask Johnny when I see him again he may of started at Skipper not Spear & Jackson as I said....Think it was Terry that did our saws for a bit there when Johnny was out with his shoulder.
Maybe we can save our comrad in china before they dong him on the head too
Hahaha. No hope mate. They're pretty gun ho, they saw how much entertainment it created when Indonesia did it and our bleeding heart do gooder minority made us the laughing stock of the world. They want a slice of the pie too!