Yeah he needs compulsary urine testing I think for his level of service.
Thing is with dealers and their representatives, some are much better than others, just like everywhere else.
Even an average joe type dealer is impressive to some other less than satisfactory dealer or personnel.
So to be placed at the top means the dealership in question must have qualities the others have not even thought about or have forgotten because of attitude.
Stick your chest out Benny and stand tall, you have the backing of your clientele which is great.
We in our town are lucky, 2 dealerships on opposite sides of the road, they both get on with business and help each other.
Amazes me sometimes the pettiness of some customers who will not take his saw for repairs to say the Stihl shop because of some reason but will run it across the road to the husky man and runs the stihl chap down.
So what does the husky guy do, simply walk across the road and get what he needs to fix the thing, tells the stihl man who owns the saw and so on, this happens all the time and plenty wont go to the husky shop so the stihl guy does the same thing.
Story short, there are many dealers who don't do their job ethically or morally correct (just thinking about themselves and making easy money) but all dealers put up with a minority of complete ''SAW WITTS'' or FU*KWITTS in other words.
I could not handle dealing with the public like they have too.