the all aussie dribble thread!

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Did it have the pre filter on it?
Yeah it did mate!
The quality of the filters themselves is 1st class!, however the overlap on the sealing lip down the bottom rhs seems to be the problem area.
Nothing a smear of grease didn't fix, and a couple light pumps of my 15yr old bottle of oem Stihl filter oil.;)
Your a better person than me without a doubt.

My main issues is, the people we are seeing in Hungary are not the people we should be helping!
The REAL refugee's didn't get out the iPhones/tablets and read world news an go "Oh, Germany will take us, and they have healthcare and a dole scheme, lets go there". The real refugees are in Jordan and Turkey living in s****y camps living off red cross parcels whom have no idea where to go or what to do, just surviving on there instinct to live. Not those "country shoppers" we are seeing on the news

The UN has stated it can no longer supply these refugees with shelter, food and clean water in the camps in Turkey and Jordan. Quite simply there is too many of them. Thousands of them have left the camps because of this. All are looking for better lives just like you would if in the same situation. ..

Many of these people are desperate...

it's A sad state of affairs when Bashir is assisting ISIS, Putin is assisting Bashir, and we are bombing the hell out of the a civi youd have to make a run for the border, especially if you had kids.
it's A sad state of affairs when Bashir is assisting ISIS, Putin is assisting Bashir, and we are bombing the hell out of the a civi youd have to make a run for the border, especially if you had kids.

A lot of alterer motives going on. I would still be 100% un-will to go away to work with a Syrian native islamic family in my house with my saw's and girl friend. I was speaking to my grandfather today, his the smartest "uneducated" person I ever met, and he doesn't talk about this subject much.
He said

"You know, this isis mob, there not the first mob to do this sort of thing. Back in the 1930-1940's we had a country called Japan causing us some problems.
And a really smart man came up with a solution that saved millions of lives and from the moment it was implemented to the emperor of a nation declaring and unconditional surrender took 9 days. We still have the technology, why don't the bastards still use them?!" Dunno mate

Lucky this is the dribble thread
Saw this today...

"An eye-witness account from Kamil Bulonis, a Polish travel blog writer, who was present on the Italian-Austrian border on September 5, 2015 ..... “Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria I saw with my own eyes a great many immigrants … With all solidarity with people in difficult circumstances I have to say that what I saw arouses horror … This huge mass of people – sorry, that I’ll write this – but these are absolute savages … Vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting loudly “We want to Germany!” – and is Germany a paradise now? I saw how they surrounded a car of an elderly Italian woman, pulled her by her hair out of the car and wanted to drive away in the car. They tried to overturn the bus in I travelled myself with a group of others. They were throwing faeces at us, banging on the doors to force the driver to open them, spat at the windscreen … I ask for what purpose? How is this savagery to assimilate in Germany? I felt for a moment like in a war … I really feel sorry for these people, but if they reached Poland – I do not think that they would get any understanding from us … We were waiting three hours at the border which ultimately could not cross. Our whole group was transported back to Italy in a police-cordon. The bus is damaged, covered with faeces, scratched, with broken windows. And this is supposed to be an idea for demographics? These big powerful hordes of savages? Among them there were virtually no women, no children—the vast majority were aggressive young men … Just yesterday, while reading about them on all the websites I subconsciously felt compassion, worried about their fate but today after what I saw I am just afraid and yet I am happy that they did not choose our country as their destination. We Poles are simply not ready to accept these people – neither culturally nor financially. I do not know if anyone is ready. To the EU a pathology is marching which we had not yet a chance to ever see, and I am sorry if anyone gets offended by his entry … I can add that cars arrived with humanitarian aid – mainly food and water and they were just overturning those cars … Through megaphones the Austrians announced that there is permission for them to cross the border—they wanted to register them and let them go on—but they did not understand these messages. They did not understand anything. And this was the greatest horror … For among those few thousand people nobody understood Italian or English, or German, or Russian, or Spanish … What mattered was fist law… They fought for permission to move on and they had this permission— but did not realize that they had it! They opened the luggage hatches of a French bus—and everything that was inside was stolen within short time, some things left lying on the ground … Never in my short life had I an opportunity to see such scenes and I feel that this is just the beginning".

Everything you see on the media, remembering of course that the mass media is SUPPORTIVE of this story, shows very few women and kids. Unlike many other conflicts globally the majority of the ones fleeing are middle aged men. This begs the question, are they fleeing and leaving the women and children behind? Or are they simply "fleeing persecution" to legally infiltrate other countries? There are already many cases of ex militants being found in these groups of "refugees". Refugees my arse. The reason they're screaming for Germany is because Germany was stupid enough to openly accept them. The skinheads over there will have a field day...

Every time I hear somebody try to compare these guys to the English, Greeks, Italians, Poles, Hungarians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians etc that came to this country looking for a better life I laugh. Having associated with all the races I just mentioned I can assure you that as a whole they fitted in, worked bloody hard, and have contributed. Fact is that in the 1950's to the 1970's they bloody had to fit in to the Australian way of life and actually WANTED TO. Even the old school Lebanese and Turks fitted in well in my area and assimilated. We've seen numerous recent Afghani refugees come through here picking fruit and they don't even give the slightest hint that they want to participate in the Australian way of life.

I may be old school but if my country was being torn apart by a bunch of nutters you can bet my left one that I'd be rushing my family to safety so I can fight, not fleeing like a rabbit. The "families" aren't the majority of ones fleeing however, it's the blokes of fighting age. That to me rings a whole heap of alarm bells and is completely different to refugees from previous wars like Vietnam, various countries in Africa, WWI, WWII etc. In those cases it was the women, children, and elderly fleeing. The middle aged men had the balls to fight.
Oh and Wayne (gmax) is doing fine. I haven't spoken to him for a few months but with some of the AS ******** that went on after the continuous hacking and site issues he disappeared to other chainsaw forums. I did too for a while - as a sponsor it was getting beyond a joke and after some massive shitfights behind the scenes and on the AS Facebook page, sponsors got a refund for a few months from when the site was down. It was unusable for ages. There were also other issues which I had trouble with too where a whole swag of new know it all members started arguing with respected, knowledgable members who had been here for years. I had a guy with less than a dozen posts posts start arguing with me about the varying kerf with Stihl 3/8" chain. He didn't realise that the kerf is the same across .050", .058", and .063" in Stihl chain and it's just that the drivelink that is stepped down. Wayne doesn't like conflict and doesn't deal with it well - he just walks away instead. I sometimes envy his ability to do that.
Oh and Wayne (gmax) is doing fine. I haven't spoken to him for a few months but with some of the AS ******** that went on after the continuous hacking and site issues he disappeared to other chainsaw forums. I did too for a while - as a sponsor it was getting beyond a joke and after some massive shitfights behind the scenes and on the AS Facebook page, sponsors got a refund for a few months from when the site was down. It was unusable for ages. There were also other issues which I had trouble with too where a whole swag of new know it all members started arguing with respected, knowledgable members who had been here for years. I had a guy with less than a dozen posts posts start arguing with me about the varying kerf with Stihl 3/8" chain. He didn't realise that the kerf is the same across .050", .058", and .063" in Stihl chain and it's just that the drivelink that is stepped down. Wayne doesn't like conflict and doesn't deal with it well - he just walks away instead. I sometimes envy his ability to do that.
Thats fair enough i recon Matt, Great loss if he dont come back
Thats fair enough i recon Matt, Great loss if he dont come back

I doubt he'll be back mate. Lovely guy and his knowledge of old saws is worthy of some laboratory brain testing.
If you ever need an IPL or Workshop Manual you can bet he'll have it. I've asked for a few really whacky ones for customer's saws and he has had every single one.
Seen a few really good guys leave AS over the years from some pretty small things. It gets to people occasionally and they just say "Fu*k AS" and leave, never to return.
I doubt he'll be back mate. Lovely guy and his knowledge of old saws is worthy of some laboratory brain testing.
If you ever need an IPL or Workshop Manual you can bet he'll have it. I've asked for a few really whacky ones for customer's saws and he has had every single one.
Seen a few really good guys leave AS over the years from some pretty small things. It gets to people occasionally and they just say "Fu*k AS" and leave, never to return.
Some time people takes thing too far and thing like this happen , they need to show more respect for themselves and other and this wont happen
A lesson to be learnt im affraid
Mainstream media is happy to throw to tragic images of a wee boy washed up on a beach and to tell us he, his siblings and mother drowned on their way to freedom while fleeing the horrors of life from whence they came. They don't tell us the dad wanted to get his teeth done in Germany and the family decided to go with him. They don't tell us that despite a sister who had legally settled in Canada and was sending $ back to them, the last remittance being $1000, nobody in that family had even applied for asylum in Canada where they had family.

The mainstream media also refuses to adequately address the West's complicity for the ME unrest that is displacing millions. The USA and other interested countries have been fuelling ME conflict for decades. The great humanitarian tsunami threatening to swamp Euro nations is an utterly predictable act of war. People are the new weapons of mass destruction.

For the millions caught in and being unjustly hammered by this great geopolitical warfare, it's hard not to feel a great deal of sympathy. But if we are to take refugees, and I think we should, we should only take those who have gone through official channels. What Germany did by agreeing to take the agro phalanx of reckless and desperate quee jumpers is itself utterly reckless.
Does anyone know where I can get a Makita/Dolmar air filter in Aus? From the HD kit, 038173310 AIR-FILTER CARTRIDGE, my local "dealer" doesnt seem to have a clue thus far
Does anyone know where I can get a Makita/Dolmar air filter in Aus? From the HD kit, 038173310 AIR-FILTER CARTRIDGE, my local "dealer" doesnt seem to have a clue thus far

There's been a few comments re getting the Dolmar parts dirt cheap from the US over the past few pages....

MCW may be able to help you with those parts if not I know he can point you in the right direction.