361 Junkie
Wow, you guys are only 4 hours behind us? But of course its tomorrow there...
My birthday cake from tonight
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And you told me you would never sell that.
OK then that all right then.
I was drunk and Benny drugged me.
Heck, do you have any more info on that operation please? A link perhaps?Check this out.
Only one and it was one of the very first Chinese Stihl copies from the late 60's. It only took a few decades before they managed to at least spell Stihl correctly.What model Skil's are they ?
OK, looking at the photo name its a giant heap of red gum. Eucalyptus camaldulensis is listed here by Sweeps (notorious for being incorrect) as weighing 3k lb./cord (376 kilo/cu. meter) and only 18.4 million BTU per cord. Is that stuff that light a firewood? The euc I burned in California was way more dense and hotter than that.
Yah, that is what I thought. I get a typical value of 850-900kg/cu m. searching the web for red gum. The euc I cut in California was all like a rock when it was dry. Like native Madrone, if we did not cut it when it was green, it did not get cut.