the all aussie dribble thread!

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As long as he's not called Pothole where everybody tries to avoid him.

Seem to know one of them myself, can't get rid of him, just keeps on showing up, but all seems quiet so far today.

Rick,,, if you can make yourself available on the 28th, we have a training day planned on a farm a little west of singleton.
Seem to know one of them myself, can't get rid of him, just keeps on showing up, but all seems quiet so far today.

Rick,,, if you can make yourself available on the 28th, we have a training day planned on a farm a little west of singleton.

Only saw the email today Neil, I'd love to get there, just can't commit 100% ATM.

BTW, looking at moving to the mid north coast in six to twelve months time, smack bang in the middle of an old timber area.
Might need some coaching in how to handle Blue Gum (and probably Camphor Laurel) :D

sent from a hand held thingy via magic invisible waves......
Good morning you lot I'm still alive. Spent the weekend cleaning out mums shed and re locating it in to mine. Found a box full of stihl tools when I get a chance ile get the p/n off the box and maybe benny can shed some light on what model saw there for. Found a heap of other tools for greenfield mowers and Briggs&crapen engines a brand new danarm chain in its original box is one of the gems out of the lot.

Good score Matty 2, hey that danarm original replacement chain would have some value I be guessing, what size is it 1/2 inch or that rare 5/8 ???? thingy stuff. Loose the box and its probably worth not much.


WOOOOOOOW a tao tao in real life,,,,,,, oh he would have to get one of those.......
A mate of mine in Tassie sent me this picture a few weeks ago. He was an ex Landmark agronomist I used to work with and has managed to get photos of himself with Ponting, Boonie etc etc.
I was on the phone to him when he suddenly goes "Fu*ken hell! Gotta go, gotta go. I'll send you a photo in a minute to show you why!".
This is the photo he sends me. Most of you should know who the guy on the right is. He's a really nice bloke according to everybody I know who's ever met him...

A mate of mine in Tassie sent me this picture a few weeks ago. He was an ex Landmark agronomist I used to work with and has managed to get photos of himself with Ponting, Boonie etc etc.
I was on the phone to him when he suddenly goes "Fu*ken hell! Gotta go, gotta go. I'll send you a photo in a minute to show you why!".
This is the photo he sends me. Most of you should know who the guy on the right is. He's a really nice bloke according to everybody I know who's ever met him...

There's a photo of a young(er) Neil with they big man at wood chop somewhere.

sent from a hand held thingy via magic invisible waves......

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