Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
yeah instead of playing Pin the tail on the donkey. they should be playing strap the M18 claymore on your Habibi
They pin themselves on donkeys.
yeah instead of playing Pin the tail on the donkey. they should be playing strap the M18 claymore on your Habibi
Some classics there. Seem some of those but not all. The ****** looking down the paintball gun barrel was a classic.
YeH from behind,giddy up whoh backThey pin themselves on donkeys.
The jury is out on GB mate. No proof exists yet that they are still being made in Australia. You get the odd guy on the web saying "But this guy said they were still made here". If they are then their quality has dropped and they'd be the only manufacturing left here.
The GB/China theory had been going on for years now and instead of coming out and offering any solid evidence that they are still made here they've remained silent.
A few guys still push their barrow but even they can't offer any solid evidence and some of these claim to be very close to GB (like the US business you mentioned above).
I haven't seen it for a while. It cracks me up how these guys think it's manly to fire AK's in the site at family weddings etc. I mean what dumb moron let's their little kid play with a loaded gun, not to mention a handgun with one up the spout.
I guess GB bars are like Carlton chain is here now. Lots of loops are still made here, but more Carlton chain is being made in China now as well. Alibaba lists Carlton chain and Carton is rebranded under WoodlandPro and lots of other names. Blount owns both Carlton and Oregon and they are HQ'd here in Portland, OR, but it is just a parent/shell company. They own companies that make stuff in the US, Canada, China, and Europe. There are still guys here at the Milwaukie, OR plant making Carlton chain, but I have to wonder how much of it is really made here any more, or if they are just pressing together China fab'd steel.
I looked into GB manufacturing in Oz a few years ago after they sold out, and I could not find anything solid on where they were shaping/forging, cutting or plating the steel and bars. Guys are working at some GB plants in Oz, doing something. Spray painting the bars? Packaging them? Or rolling steel and stamping them out? Hard to say what.
Sadly a lot of steel product companies in this area have moved manufacturing to China. Traeger pellet BBQ grills is a classic example. They were invented here by a family of German immigrants and built in a small town in Oregon (the state). They built up a brand name and had quality. Then they sold out and the manufacturing was all moved to China. All that is left here is the parent company, the sales force, and tech support. They used to have thick steel and were welded up. Now they are made from bolted together crappy thin steel. Look on the Traeger web site and there is a long story about the Oregon blacksmithing and pellet grill history but nothing about moving ops to China or that the boxes all say Made in China on them now. Similar to the Oregon (the company), Griffiths & Beerens, and Carlton web sites... tradition and history, but little on current facts. Built in deception at best.
I was going to say pubic hair.
We just for some custom bars for a client made by GB here in aus. Other then there extra long bars and custom jobs they all look to be coming in from over the water. I've got a picture on the iPad I found of what look to be there harvester bars but not coming from oz for sure. I spoke to them the other day and they're not making pro tops at the moment either and they're not sure when they will. The last lot where made before they moved to there current sit apparently which was quite a while ago now
Sent from Oz while Tapadancing