the all aussie dribble thread!

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Lol ok. I don't know if this switch arrangement is a common thing with husky's hence the dumb questions and answers.
Stripped most of it down now and nothing jumping out at me just yet as to why. The L needs a good fattening up tho!!

Alls good Vince, i must of been in one of those moods when i read the post, i have learned a bit from that misgeviouse bloke they call ''Matt'' (the original).

Speeking dumb questions, some of the threads which start by someone asking some very simple things that with a moments thought one would think they could work it out for them selves, saws are not jet fighters.But then we see those dreaded OIL threads and the whole place goes off......

nice day here on the job, expecting a southerly anytime with a cold snap.
Alls good Vince, i must of been in one of those moods when i read the post, i have learned a bit from that misgeviouse bloke they call ''Matt'' (the original).

Speeking dumb questions, some of the threads which start by someone asking some very simple things that with a moments thought one would think they could work it out for them selves, saws are not jet fighters.But then we see those dreaded OIL threads and the whole place goes off......

nice day here on the job, expecting a southerly anytime with a cold snap.

no worries. yeah they are simple things.. just like me:chop:.. but its the qwerks that throw ya. and being the 2nd husky i have taken the covers off i thought i'd ask.

too true on the oil threads etc.!

been blowing a strong south westerly all nite and day here.. **** is meant to hit the fan tonite and tomorrow with snow down to 600M.:cold:
Alls good Vince, i must of been in one of those moods when i read the post, i have learned a bit from that misgeviouse bloke they call ''Matt'' (the original).

Speeking dumb questions, some of the threads which start by someone asking some very simple things that with a moments thought one would think they could work it out for them selves, saws are not jet fighters.But then we see those dreaded OIL threads and the whole place goes off......

nice day here on the job, expecting a southerly anytime with a cold snap.
I've started to wonder if some of the stupider threads are just an idiot who is bored and playing with the Internet.
They tend to go one of two directions - the OP disappears, or they start talking to themself, getting more awesome with every post until they are a rocket scientist.
I've started to wonder if some of the stupider threads are just an idiot who is bored and playing with the Internet.
They tend to go one of two directions - the OP disappears, or they start talking to themself, getting more awesome with every post until they are a rocket scientist.
You mean like this one, his majesty had them ''hook line and sinker'' job done.
Of coarse many a dumb thread just like this one.
The day I can teach you anything Neil about chainsaws or timber would be an epic day :)

...apart from Cutty Cutty but that stuff is top secret...

Don't sell your self short Matt, I'm just a busted up ex footballer who spent most of his life working way out in forests miles away from any one wearing out 4x4s every 4 years or so.
"Cutty Cutty " is a bit like Lasseter's Reef, there somewhere but not seen but, plenty have tried to find it.

Think it has slight surface rust. [emoji12] made for easy access for engine removal.
Quick Q for young Ben the Stihl guru.

A mate is the local Stihl shop tech (part time, he has his own small engine business) and he's had two 390's come in the last week with holed pistons.
not just seized, but holes burnt through the crown.
He said Stihl have been less than helpful, have just sent replacement parts (warranty)
He said the fuel tested ok and the customers assured him they had been mixing at 50:1 with Stihl oil "and it just happened..."
He asked me (I know, getting desperate ! :D) and all I can think is just too damned lean on the HS, AKA operator error, but I said I know someone ! just in case it's something odd like miles too high pop off/a batch of dodgy carbies or blocked/dodgy tank vents.

Any ideas ?
Quick Q for young Ben the Stihl guru.

A mate is the local Stihl shop tech (part time, he has his own small engine business) and he's had two 390's come in the last week with holed pistons.
not just seized, but holes burnt through the crown.
He said Stihl have been less than helpful, have just sent replacement parts (warranty)
He said the fuel tested ok and the customers assured him they had been mixing at 50:1 with Stihl oil "and it just happened..."
He asked me (I know, getting desperate ! :D) and all I can think is just too damned lean on the HS, AKA operator error, but I said I know someone ! just in case it's something odd like miles too high pop off/a batch of dodgy carbies or blocked/dodgy tank vents.

Any ideas ?

Same thing happened to a Hi-ace bus I know of, but that had 960k on the clock so that is probably expected.

Think it has slight surface rust. [emoji12] made for easy access for engine removal.

Did they drive it into the surf, leave it for a week then retrieve it ?

A friend has a nice 47 Troopy her and her partner use for towing their horses but far too many have gone to god with the dreaded tin worm. :(
Same thing happened to a Hi-ace bus I know of, but that had 960k on the clock so that is probably expected.

I've got a nice Kolbenschmidt piston out of a certain Land Rover with a lovely crack on the edge of the bowl from too high combustion pressure too. (too much advance, too much fuel even though EGT's were never excessive, sort of...)

It'd still be going up and down (maybe) if someone hadn't lifted the head to swap the head gasket.

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