Check your Inbox and welcome to AS.Hello all
I need the service manual and the ipl for a 036 av and 038 Magnum Thanks in advance
Check your inboxI need the latest edition of the stihl tools catalogue example edition 2015 if someone can help
thank you
Check your Inbox.All,
Looking for a few IPLs for saws I recently picked up.
Thanks in advance!
Check your Inbox.Evening, Looking for an IPL and Service Info. on an 031AV. Thanks For Sure!! TG
Check your inbox, small Intetec Mono service manual - 1970 3rd edition.Hi I'm looking for Service and IPL'S for any mono chainsaws I have several with AH47 and the larger 8hp
Check your Inbox and welcome to AS.Hello,
Have been a visitor to this great site for a while, and thoroughly enjoy the great spirit and camaraderie of the contributors, not to mention
the vast experience and knowledge!!
So I joined today, may be able to contribute when it's my turn and with useful knowledge of my own.
Today I am needing a shop repair manual and IPL for my Stihl 041AV, which I am in process of resurrecting from the storage cabinet in my garage,
where it's resided for close to 20 years! I stopped using it for a broken air cleaner base plate, it was running still. I had bought a new 028AV at the time(1980), and
proceeded to work for a log home building company, where the 028 spent thousands of hours running at high speed, on a fuel mix with Amsoil 100:1
exclusively. Never had a cylinder or plug problem. It was sadly stolen from my storage shed about 5 years ago, and it's like a missing old friend. So I may get back a little of the 'violated' feeling by restoring my 041! I'll probably post a couple pix on the social thread later on, it's a nice looker yet.
My main problem is not having spark, it has popped a couple times, it has the points and condenser, things seem to test ok, but still can't find the bad critter.
Please pardon my rambling!
Thanks for any help!
Welcome, check your inboxHello,
Have been a visitor to this great site for a while, and thoroughly enjoy the great spirit and camaraderie of the contributors, not to mention
the vast experience and knowledge!!
So I joined today, may be able to contribute when it's my turn and with useful knowledge of my own.
Today I am needing a shop repair manual and IPL for my Stihl 041AV, which I am in process of resurrecting from the storage cabinet in my garage.
Check your inbox.Service man and IPL's for:
Stihl ms440
038 M
Husky 372xp
Thanks in advance [emoji106][emoji106]
Check your Inbox and welcome to AS.Hi,
i am Michael from Germany and are looking for parts list PDF of Stihl 261 and 362. I hope anybody can help me.
Thank you very much!
Done!Any parts manual for Stihl MS 311 / 391 ? Thanks Ed