Tree Freak
Just got a nice 026 and I'm looking for a service manual for this unit. Not sure of the age...S/N 226029905. Thanks!
Check your PMs.

Just got a nice 026 and I'm looking for a service manual for this unit. Not sure of the age...S/N 226029905. Thanks!
In the market for an 084 service and IPL manuals for my Bad Dog. Can anyone help?
I have the owner's manual for a Sears Craftsman 2.0 saw. I think it was made by Poulan in Shreveport, LA. It's one of the solid magnesium body saws, and one of the toughtest little saws Poulan made. I can email a PDF of the manual to anyone who needs one.
BTW, I took the plunge & purchased one of the Husqvarna CDs currently listed on eBay, I'll post my thoughts once it arrives.
I emailed Husqvarna about not having access to their chainsaw IPL's and was told -
Illustrated parts lists are only available by request at this time. If you need a parts list for units in the UK, please visit: http://www.husqvarna.co.uk/node2418.aspx to request these documents online. If you need US models, please respond and email this location for part lists. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Just got a brand new Stihl MS361 and would like to have the IPL/repair manual PDF if such a thing exists and someone who has it is feeling ever so kind.
My old Huskie 350 is going to get lonely!
Hey Folks,
could someone please send me the IPL and Service Manuals for the 036 and 056??? Thanks again!
How about this one? John Deere 40V IPL/service manual? any help? thanks!!!