I would really like to get a parts schematic and service manual for the Stihl 026 and MS361. Thank you!!
Need an IPL for a Husky 394XP (it's a 1998 prod. unit)
For the moment, if anyone can help in this manner, I need the part no. for the muffler gasket. (Not the heat shield plate, just the gasket that sits between it and the muffler)
I have the BIL's super 2 that is leaking bar oil into the crankcase. I could use an IPL or any other information to be able to fix this. Thanks in advance!
Need IPL and manual for McCulloch 101B kart. Thanks, Ron
I have the BIL's super 2 that is leaking bar oil into the crankcase. I could use an IPL or any other information to be able to fix this. Thanks in advance!
Just fixed one of them.Needs a oil pump plunger.Most likely cracked.very easy fix.Its the only way for bar oil to get into the CC.
I am in need of an IPL and a shop manual for a echo 330 EVL.Thanks in advance,Fitz.
Last October I took a nasty fall and shattered my left heel. Folks said it could have been worse. I agree, and responed "yeah, I could have brokken my chainsaw'. A couple weeks ago I was able to get back on me feet and wanted to my 361 again. Guess what ???
I broke my chainsaw during the fall.Can someone please PM me a parts diagram ??? The saw separated it seems at the anti vibration points.1bent spring on the handle, and the annular buffer.
Thanks very much.
Ms200/ms200t ipl and service manual, please. Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys,
I am in need of an IPL and Manuals for a Husky 242, any help greatly appreciated.
Thanx, Adam
I'm looking for an ipl and service manual for a stihl ms200t, and 011 AVT, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!![]()