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Looking for service and parts list for 262XP and 254XP.
For Servise manual - look at post 140.
IPLs are on Huskys UK web-site, the library goes back to 1972..
Looking for service and parts list for 262XP and 254XP.
I ned an ipl for an 036 and a service manual for a ms460.
I could really use a service manual for a 460 stihl thanks in advance.
Sorry teacherman and Ghillie, both of them were sorted long ago!
Sorry, no - but the one linked up in post 140 cover the 61, 268 and 272xp.Anyone happen to have a workshop manual for a Husky 266XP? If so please PM me.
I need a service and parts manual bad. Anybody have a pdf of one???? thanks for reading
anyone have ipl and or shop manual for the ms441?
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