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Yeah, I remember last March when after many hours timing in saws with one saw to go good old Lambert shows off his milling prowess on our test log with his 088
Its funny you said that Jonathan...because Paul MacKenzie, the announcer said the same thing to me each time I went to make a cut....then...after the first day was over...I was up on the log practicing my milling cut down the centre of the competition logs....go figure....
Hello all, My brother is the same way. A couple of 8" thick discs and its on to milling or slabbing. He figures why use a mall when you can use a chainsaw and get 10" long chips. Now matter what size saw he has! Jonathan
I see you all have not tried the "Fisherized 017", not quite as
bad as the "Fisherized 009L", but still more lethal than the toys
Can you please give us some detailed information on your Fisherization process or do you just run your saw on a mixture of high test gasoline and Kentucky alcohol.
now guys you have got to keep this on the down low....the spcial mix is actually 32-1 synthetic oil mixed to premium gas with octane booster - gotta go, they're on to me already.....:eek:
32-1 mix

Hello otto,
32-1 synthetic is the only way to go. using that mix you can forget about burn't up big end rod bearings on huskys and seized pistons on stihls. Also get about 1/10 the wear as petroleum based oils. (husky and stihl oils)
ah ken my savior, the only person who stuck with me with my synthetic oil battles here.

the husky and stihl oils are semi synthetic though so they are learning....they still have a proble with the 50:1 EPA recommendation though dont they...:)

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