He should really have his own thread of " whadja do today "
Called, 'What did you do in your room today?'...
He should really have his own thread of " whadja do today "
Called, 'What did you do in your room today?'...
So bottom line is the boss's chit hits the fan, and we all drop him like some no-strings-attached, free tickets to the cyanide sauna. I then threw the company's reigns to the new climber/business guy to see what he's going to do with them, and I find out he's our new investor with marketing skills. The old boss did take our offer of 20% commission for the salesman position this morning, and we can use any of his tools and lic. # if needed for no charge at all. He's being very cooperative. I dished out several hundred dollars to him off of what he owed me, so I have to guess that I've bought all of his doubts about my scruples with that money.
Mean while I make my daily salary for continuing to hone my skills, I build my own credit, and this company is building its infrastructure.
Is this "home"?
Is this "home"?
Help a poor, dumb fellow from Kentucky understand this...
There is the "boss" who has been negatively characterized as everything from a deadbeat to psychotic who owes you a considerable sum of money, had you arrested for stealing his tools and you are now running "his" company, giving him money and employing him? I think I need a Venn diagram.
How are you making your "daily salary" if the "boss" is not picking up the checks from customers and he already owes back wages? If you have taken over the company, who is paying you? How are you building credit and infrastructure by doing tree work? Inquiring minds want to know...
Awe you know that's all last week's news.
This week it's a new company, and I'm already booking up next week.
And I tried out the new chain grinder today with the hydraulic clamp. I'm as happy as a hundred emoticons. I used to have to use the grinding stick on the chains while they were on the bar. Bleh
I'm gonna miss this thread, it's been fun. Some of you guys don't realise it, but not everyone has a TV. I haven;t had one for over 20 years. So never got to see reality TV, or axmen or any of that other stuff. I get home and this is my entertainment. It's got everything....
Oh well... back to beer and trying to workout how to make a website :msp_rolleyes:
FTA has a former diesel mechanic who he fired for doing heroin in the girls bathroom while driving who is now the new companies groundie and in charge of media. I hear he is really good at websites and social media he is currently detained for borrowing the former accountants ipad without his permission but there is a deal in the works for the old bosses cousin to do the accountants taxes for a small fee and the old diesel mechanic/new groundie/media specialist will be out of jail after he finishes rehab. Good news is he is renewing his CDL while he is finishing his jail time and going through dialysis.
Ouch,,a little harsh,