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`She was nuts. But she could write.
Who amongst us isn't ?
(except me )
`She was nuts. But she could write.
Who amongst us isn't ?
(except me )
The best wisdom is learned by ####ing up.
I still have a few of my greens. We changed to black uniforms in 1999. Took the patches off of the greens and use them as coveralls when working on equipment. You see and hear strange things working nights...
We shut our old facility down in August of 2006. It had been in continuous opperation since 1932 or so. I feel fortunate to have worked in there before the shutdown. It's extremely facinating. The sub basement (which is realy three stories underground) has three HUGE boilers that are similar to what was in large steamships of the period. The electrical pannels down there look like something out of Dr Frankenstein's lab. They're taking 'soil samples' around the place (lotsa lead and asbestos) and planning it's demolition. I'll be sad to see it go, but am looking forward to seeing much of the 'inner workings' exposed to view. The original refrigeration plant was amonia based. Much of the old compressors and such were just walled over in sections of the basement when they were 'replaced'.
The city stopped spending any real money to maintain it back in the '80s, as it was "only going to be running a couple more years".....................for about 25 years or so. If they'd maintained it, the place would be in much better shape. I am so angry about that fact that I could chew nails and spit screws. We're only about 1/4 mile from the ocean. Salt air....neglect.......concrete........steel...
The property this facility (and the new one) is on is still heavily wooded. There's a section of GG Park NRA that butts up against it. There's a wildlife preserve nearby too. Whole place is still very old and wild.............despite being so near metropolis. Told you about that Cougar I saw last year while making night rounds. There was a herd of Bison from GGP there years ago. I've seen coyotes, deer, a cougar, bobcats, owls, various falcons, etc. I believe there were Miwak Indians on that land at some point as well...
I've been in the old facility about a dozen times since we shut 'er down. Extremely spooky. Back in the 'old days' (up until about 30-40 years ago) it was used to house a lot of drunk-in-publics (that are now just kept in a 647f RWS tank downtown at intake/booking until sober, then cited and released). Drunks would spend a week or so out there. I know old timers that swear that during certain times of the year they'd have a DIC once a WEEK amoung all those decrepid old drunks. Again, that was many decades ago. That's a lot of souls that departed there over the years.
Then there's the ad-seg cell in 6-South where three guys committed suicide. We hadn't used any of those ancient "Alkatraz sollitary confinement looking" all steel cells in 20 years. If you spend any time in that cell you'll get a terrible chill and a nervous feeling that doesn't come from any of the other cells. Doesn't have anything to do with a draft either. I won't get into the violent DIC's that have happened there over the decades...
Since we've shut that place down, I've seen more than a few flashes of orange moving by the windows on the tiers. Heard gates crashing when inside too, despite there being no wind at the time. Also heard locks turning and showers being turned on (they have push-button pneumatic timed valves).
Down in the basement, a coworker and I were loading firefighting equipment to take over to the new facility for storage. We heard a heavily loaded bar being lifted and clanked onto the bench in the old staff weight room down the hall. Heard it many times over about an hour period (while we were finding equipment and loading it in a cart). Made our way to the weight room, and ALL of the weights had been removed. Only an empty bench. NOTHING loose to swing or clank. We had the only keys to the facility and were the only live souls there save the rats...
That will do for now. I've got a cold sweat going. The rest will wait until we're talkin' and drinkin' face to face...
Thanks Chris. I just feel fortunate to have something to share in Randy's thread here. I'll shoot some pics of the old place and post them here sometime. Time to take a cue from the 'normal' non-nightshift folks in the house and hit the rack. I'm typing while they snore!
Toured the old Montana State Prison several years ago. Can't really put into words, but there was just this feeling of ugliness?????
We took the Alcatraz tour. Same feeling. Eerie place.