Two-Stroke Swope
Just an idea here. How comes we don't have pics up of our saws after a full day of work? I mean dirty, covered in oil and chip. Looking like a slobbering rottweiler instead of almost brand new?
Ya might be onto something there Hatte, trees don't have to be x years old for a sqvirral, to rest his um nuts on, it just has to have branches, From what I can tell flying sqvirrals just need some lift before jumping. Besides there little arm can't reach around an old growth stem anyway...:msp_wink:
And those tree truffles they like to eat can be found under 80yr old stuff taboot....:msp_rolleyes:
Or 30-year-old, where we saw digs yesterday. I'm of the opinion that wildlife folks like to make things more dramatic than they really are in order that they don't get totally blown off. I mean, really -- how much would I care about protecting any given common woodland creature that was doing just fine and wasn't in immediate danger of total extermination? Not a whole hell of a lot, I can say that. I'd likely worry more about a plant -- they can't move out of my way. Critters are conveniently mobile.
On a lighter note, my wife busted out her new wood burning kit she got for Christmas and started decorating my old wedge beater.
Not bad, eh?umpkin2:
It took me many, many woods walking miles to stumble across that shed, I think I'll keep it for now.![]()
Also, if you are ever out on a dog and pony show about an upcoming thinning, and a botanist starts in about the rare plants that are now on site, watch their face when you point out that the area was clearcut and burned 50 years ago and the plants seemed to have survived.
Also, if you are ever out on a dog and pony show about an upcoming thinning, and a botanist starts in about the rare plants that are now on site, watch their face when you point out that the area was clearcut and burned 50 years ago and the plants seemed to have survived.