Is this the appropriate place to rant? Or whine a little? :hmm3grin2orange: I'm fricken sick of working my tail off for " Father and Son" crews!!!! I could just punch myself in the face! I am living a phrase..."Damned if you do damned if you don't". I honestly don't see how people can live with themselves sometimes. The "boys" :msp_rolleyes: have to know they are lazy little f###er's...reckon it even bothers them, figure when they go home they blow real loud and plop down and whine to their ol'ladies about bein worn 29 yr old?? (Oldest son) All knowing they been doin the minimum possible to make their 8 hr day complete.
My morning starts off sharpening my saw by headlight, throwing on my gear, throwing a gallon of gas and a gallon of oil over my shoulder, and hiking off through the woods. I don't return till I burn all the gas, which is generally around say 9 hrs. It's enough that I don't even count burnt tanks of gas. I guess the part that gets to me is shutting the saw off, moving across to more timber, and NOT hearing any equipment going. I just get back after it and tell myself that I can't worry about stuff like that...the job and how well I, myself work, is all that really matters in the end. At the end of the day, can I sit down in the service truck on my way home and ask myself if I busted ass that day? HELL YES! And I do it everyday!
I have always worked hard, never really mattered what I was doing, I always tried. I don't see how some people can get by with doing "just enough"! My boss is a very hard worker! He used to be able to keep in front of 3 trimmers back in the day...and I would say questionable help

! But actually this guy is a good boss. I have already heard of him bragging on me to other loggers, and I like that...I know he sees that I am trying. I think him bragging on me pisses off his boys. I guess that would be a natural reaction, when you can't motivate yourself to rise to the occasion and bust tail.
Good weather couldn't come soon enough! I am wintering out with this crew due to the fact that my boss has a tie mill. We are never out of work due to weather. I am starting to cut for a different crew on the weekends, they pay cash

. Problem with that is this new crew buys timber for the crew I am currently working for...and this new boss doesn't want to upset my current boss. Oh brother, that's confusing.
Anyway, I take each day with stride. Focus on the job, but think of the bigger picture. I was always told by my Father that "You get out of life what you put into it"...I have been at this game for 18 1/2 years. I know that logging and working hard are alot of the time thankless jobs...just a grind, pay your bills, and take care and provide for your family with what you do.
I'm not sorry for ranting, it just flowed out, I prolly didn't even get a 1/4 of what was on my mind off of it. People might say, "why do it on here?" It does me no good to talk to anyone outside the "biz"...I just don't think that anyone else truely understands.