The Descriptive Process

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I've really only messed with det cord, my uncle is the one that had all the really fun stuff, but he would let me "help" when he wanted to take down danger trees and what not, never got to use anfo or tnt. Both uncles on my moms side have excellent stories about nearly dying from stumps and gravel pit blasts... one involved a stump 23 sticks a dozer and a highway... This is from the church going uncle... after half a bottle of apple pie... drank out of dixie cups, good times:msp_rolleyes:
sounds like fun times for sure! I've heard a few over the years. The people that originally owned my dad's place blew a stump from the middle of a field across the river to te middle of another 45 acre field.... The hole was still there till be plowed everything up. I will say I remember it being a pretty big hole lol
sounds like fun times for sure! I've heard a few over the years. The people that originally owned my dad's place blew a stump from the middle of a field across the river to te middle of another 45 acre field.... The hole was still there till be plowed everything up. I will say I remember it being a pretty big hole lol

I was involved in a similar incident many years ago. It probably didn't go as far as the stump on your dad's place, but we were pretty sure that our stump was going to go into orbit. Unfortunately it didn't, and we had to haul it off.

I was involved in a similar incident many years ago. It probably didn't go as far as the stump on your dad's place, but we were pretty sure that our stump was going to go into orbit. Unfortunately it didn't, and we had to haul it off.


I'm sure they thought the same! I heard a stick or at least half a stick of dynamite and a couple bags of fertilizer.... I'm venturing a guess but strait line that stump traveled probably 400 yards, maybe a touch more...
Did some digging on getting a blasting license, and wouldn't ya know it the email link for the guy in charge for WA L+I doesn't work... guess I'll have to call em.

Also going to need to get a permit/license from the ATF, hope they don't want an arm and a leg for it...
Breakdown in communication

Had a little cutting job scheduled for today. Got to the locked gate about 5:30. I don't have a key. Supposed to be somebody there. Nobody there. Waited. Drank coffee. Fidgeted. Cussed. No cell phone reception. Waited some more. Drank the rest of the coffee. Fidgeting now in high gear. Cussing low key but constant.
Waited some more. Gave up and went home...luckily only half an hour away.
Called landowner. They forgot today was the day. Forgot? I see a price increase in their immediate future.
We'll try it again at ten o'clock. Taking bolt cutters just in case.
No more coffee, though.
Isn't 5:30 kind of late?:D

OK Madhatte, I was on my walk and heard a feller buncher working on the hillside. I'm saying by the sound that it was one with a round blade on it--not a chainsaw type cutter. Thats cuz the noise goes like this WhirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrSchwaaaaang, whomp, Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr repeat. It wasn't a processor.
Isn't 5:30 kind of late?:D

OK Madhatte, I was on my walk and heard a feller buncher working on the hillside. I'm saying by the sound that it was one with a round blade on it--not a chainsaw type cutter. Thats cuz the noise goes like this WhirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrSchwaaaaang, whomp, Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr repeat. It wasn't a processor.

Def sounds like a buncher to me.... the schwaaaang denotes smaller timber.... if large timber lurks about it should sound like this Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrshwaaau
The ones with the chainsaw head are more of a Juuuuuuuuuuuuuush and less of the metallic Schwaaaang.
Yes, they would be in smaller stuff. I'll have to go on a walkabout up there when the snow line goes back up.
Is this the appropriate place to rant? Or whine a little? :hmm3grin2orange: I'm fricken sick of working my tail off for " Father and Son" crews!!!! I could just punch myself in the face! I am living a phrase..."Damned if you do damned if you don't". I honestly don't see how people can live with themselves sometimes. The "boys" :msp_rolleyes: have to know they are lazy little f###er's...reckon it even bothers them, figure when they go home they blow real loud and plop down and whine to their ol'ladies about bein worn 29 yr old?? (Oldest son) All knowing they been doin the minimum possible to make their 8 hr day complete.

My morning starts off sharpening my saw by headlight, throwing on my gear, throwing a gallon of gas and a gallon of oil over my shoulder, and hiking off through the woods. I don't return till I burn all the gas, which is generally around say 9 hrs. It's enough that I don't even count burnt tanks of gas. I guess the part that gets to me is shutting the saw off, moving across to more timber, and NOT hearing any equipment going. I just get back after it and tell myself that I can't worry about stuff like that...the job and how well I, myself work, is all that really matters in the end. At the end of the day, can I sit down in the service truck on my way home and ask myself if I busted ass that day? HELL YES! And I do it everyday!

I have always worked hard, never really mattered what I was doing, I always tried. I don't see how some people can get by with doing "just enough"! My boss is a very hard worker! He used to be able to keep in front of 3 trimmers back in the day...and I would say questionable help :laugh:! But actually this guy is a good boss. I have already heard of him bragging on me to other loggers, and I like that...I know he sees that I am trying. I think him bragging on me pisses off his boys. I guess that would be a natural reaction, when you can't motivate yourself to rise to the occasion and bust tail.

Good weather couldn't come soon enough! I am wintering out with this crew due to the fact that my boss has a tie mill. We are never out of work due to weather. I am starting to cut for a different crew on the weekends, they pay cash :rock:. Problem with that is this new crew buys timber for the crew I am currently working for...and this new boss doesn't want to upset my current boss. Oh brother, that's confusing.

Anyway, I take each day with stride. Focus on the job, but think of the bigger picture. I was always told by my Father that "You get out of life what you put into it"...I have been at this game for 18 1/2 years. I know that logging and working hard are alot of the time thankless jobs...just a grind, pay your bills, and take care and provide for your family with what you do.

I'm not sorry for ranting, it just flowed out, I prolly didn't even get a 1/4 of what was on my mind off of it. People might say, "why do it on here?" It does me no good to talk to anyone outside the "biz"...I just don't think that anyone else truely understands.

The ones with the chainsaw head are more of a Juuuuuuuuuuuuuush and less of the metallic Schwaaaang.

Yeah, processors are more kinda "NYEEEEERN SHKLONG". The "SHPAAAAAAANG" sound definitely smacks of feller-buncher.

EDIT: onomatopoeia, wouldn't wanna be ya
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the continued process of losing fingers and hearing

Made the call to L+I the licensing packet is on its way, needs an undisclosed fee, and a test... Its been 20+ years since messing with this stuff... should be funny if I don't get arrested:eek2:

Also will make the call to the alcoholic, thugs, and flea bags. Permit through them is only $100. but I'll need to build a magazine...
While searching through L+I rules today came across this... :msp_confused:

We learned about that in Basic Logging Systems. I guess it was really used on the peninsula. The one they always brought up with a grave expression on the face of the lecturer was the one that used 4 helicopter like things to lift logs. The prototype crashed and killed the pilots.

Perhaps Humptulips needs to make an appearance. He may know more about the balloon logging.
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Here's the balloon at work. Think of it as a large, mobile intermediate support which can't work on a windy day.

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